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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 322  of  452
Self portrait with a Jelly Fish
"My Fangs!!!" shot with G12/UCL165/DIFO
seasnake--sealife DC1000
Photographer and the Sea turtle
Shot in Tubbataha, Southwestern Philippines.
nute--Sealife DC1000
Stargazer! Snooted, head-on. D300/105mm/Snooted Inon Z240. Less than 10% crop for composition.
flying lion..sealife DC1000..
Sunlight from above. Just ending another great dive in Dumaguete Philippines.
Night time Anemone. Shot with a 60mm. Taken in Sabang Bay, Puerta Galera Philippines.
Tiny lobster (galathea balssi) on soft coral, about 1cm (0,4 inch) tall.
To dive/snorkling with this beautiful creatures is the best way i can imagine to spend time, everyone should try it smile
Sogod Bay, Pilippines.
P for pygmy by Jun Lao
by: Jun Lao
P for pygmy
whats up? sealife DC1000..
A fish in Philippine Sea, one strobe.
flowler-fins--sealife DC1000...
Shot in Puerta Galera Philippines. One of the many dive sites, although I cant remember which one.. 60 mm lens, D200, Sea and Sea housing. Dual strobes.
Up close to a Giant Clam in the Philppines
Mangrove in Padre Burgos
Sogod bay , Southern Leyte
tokina 10-17
Candy Crab at batangas
Lyon Fish near Bohol in the Philippines
Small gobbie on a sponge (pleurosicya elongata?)
Trumpetfish hunting
12182 Entries Found: Page 322  of  452

dive sites Dive sites for Philippines