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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 239  of  452
Tiny frogfish (1 cm) in the critter paradise of Dauin
Blue Ribbon Gobies
Mototi at Bonet's Corner, Dauin (the same as Gittan's, but without mirror ;-))
Mototi octopus. July in Dauin Philippines
Tokina 10-17 +1.4 converter, Nauticam NA_D7000v. Sunburst on Apo Island, Church House Reef, Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, Philippines.
Commensal gobbie big grin
Sepia, Car Wreck, Dauin big grin
Clown Snake Eel at Bonet's Corner, Dauin
Abstract, color and shape of a flamboyant cuttlefish
Catch me if you can ... big grin
Solenostomus paradoxus in Dauin
big stuff with giant fin - whaleshark encounter on the philippines
Flamboyant cuttlefish with side lightning
Shrimp blu take in front
Nikon D200 , 105 micro, Seacam housing, two strobo
Moal Boal , Philippines
Chromodoris tryoni risbecia
Porcelain Crab in Dauin
It's a less then 3 inches plankton that pulsates. Night dive.
A truly special encounter. Would be great on video with all the color changes.
Gobie at Ginama Point - Dauin
Mantis shrimp with eggs
Nice colored nudibranch in the critter paradise of Dauin
Nice little shrimp in the critter paradise of Dauin
Anemone with visitors
NIKON D7000 in a Seacam "Prelude" uw housing, 105mm Macro (NIKKOR)
Settings: f11, 1/60, ISO 100
Mum, why are we so different?
Mini Jaws! These little anenome fish were nestled in their homes until you got too close for a photo then they would dart out and nip your wherever they could OUCH! Little fish BIG attitiude!
" Resilience " we are constantly surprsied by the ability of the Ocean to deal with the human degridation of our waters. This sandal was at the bottom beside a small village and completely encrusted in coral.
12182 Entries Found: Page 239  of  452

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