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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Cuba

804 Entries Found: Page 29  of  30
Baby Triggerfish, they have a wonderful face.
It's a turtle playground.
The Turtles are my favorite.
The Qeen has big blue lips:)
My you have a large neck:)
Spotted Drum
This guy was so curious, it was like he wanted to play.
The Queen, the most beautful fish in the reef.
Healthy Pillar Coral
Something very new to me, a Gold spotted eel in the grass-beds
Sea Tutles are my favorite!!!
Green Moray EEL.
Flamingo Tounge
Jawfish playing peek-a-boo!
what a cutie this Porcupinefish is:)
My first Barbfish from the Scorpionfish family, I realized what I thought was a rock was actually staring at me:)
Smooth Flower coral
The Queen!
Grey Angelfish
"Two" freeloaders:)
Blue Chromis
804 Entries Found: Page 29  of  30

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