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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Italy

4912 Entries Found: Page 22  of  182
Do you know my intimity?
diving in Ustica
Jelly fish in the sun
High key blurred vision of Cratena peregrinae
Face 2 face
Strange presence in the arbour
Inside the cave with scuba diver
Froggy slow-motion.
Lake of Capo D'Acqua - The windmills are submerged
Dondice banyulensis,
Archaelogical Roman Park underwater.
Ustica Island
This shoot is take by Grotta Byron dive site in Porto Venere, Liguria Sea Italy
Dancing Flabellina affinis
La madonnina del Vervece - Sorrento (Na)
Mediterranean Barracuda - TRIO
Final RoundThrough to 2017 awards final round judging
Seahorses during childbirth
The mask
Runner Up - worthy of note but not a medal winner - an equal 4th place if you like! Runner Up 2017

Final RoundThrough to 2017 awards final round judging
Tevfik Captan 1
Janolus cristatus climbing on the grass
Parablennius pilicornis with parassite
Flabellina rosa
Double exposure. Nikon D800E , 105 macro , two strobo
Homemade filter; superNOVA
Thecacera pennigera.
Bronze Medal Bronze Medal 2017

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4912 Entries Found: Page 22  of  182

dive sites Dive sites for Italy