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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Italy

4912 Entries Found: Page 172  of  182
Two nice Blennys
Beautyfull macro of Braincoral
A colony of Tunicati photographed at a depth of -45 during a dive in the submarine canyon not far from the coast of Acireale.
A red blenny very special yellow color under the muzzle identifies a copy in male livery wedding.
Foglie al vento
Typical Mediterranean environment with sponges, algae and echinoderms.
The town is Scilla close the Strait of Messina.
Canon EOS and 15mm fisheye.
Night dive
This fish Trombetta was photographed at night in the Strait of Messina. These fish inhabit the deep sea beyond -100 but strong currents raise large masses of water to the surface carrying the fish that can be admired in a few meters of water.
A special marine area is the "Lagoon" at Marsala in western Sicily. The backdrop is particularly low, and in addition to pleasing riding to practice Skysurf.
Flabellina from Elba, Italy (Olympus E330, macro lens 50mm)
From inside a cave in marine protected "Plemmirio" - Syracuse
Astroides calycularis, very beautyfull
Photographed against this exemplary nudibranchia (Flabellina affinis) was incorporated in the splendid depth of southern Sardinia.
Canon Eos + Sigma 105 macros.
Great mimetism of Blennide fish: Bavosa
Beautyfull Parazoantus axinellae
A simple beach caressed by the first light of morning.
Around an enchanted feeling of serenity.
A shrimp (Gnathophyllum elegans) typical inhabitant of underwater caves.
4912 Entries Found: Page 172  of  182

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