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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Cyprus

323 Entries Found: Page 7  of  12
Crab eating ham - Portunus segnis
Sea-horse attached to a chain - Hippocampus fuscus
Gliding graciously in the crystal waters
Hippocampus fuscus
The eye of a shrimp. Fig Tree Bay, Cyprus. Canon G16 & AOI UCL +15 diopter
Shrimp from the Eastern Mediterranean - Pulchricaudatus sp.
Gold Medal Gold Medal 2021
Winner Monthly HotShots
Final RoundThrough to 2021 awards final round judging
sweet home
Flabellina affinis courting
Mating Felimare picta
Felimare picta
Portunus segnis
Flabellina affinis
Umbraculum umbraculum
Berthellina citrina
Hippo in chains
Flabellina affines with parasite
Capture this Moray Eel @ Red Sea , Small Brothers Island
Runner Up - worthy of note but not a medal winner - an equal 4th place if you like! Runner Up 2018

Final RoundThrough to 2018 awards final round judging
Feather star
"Eye of the octopus"
Lessepsian immigrant - Lion fish
Flatworm Paraplanocera app swimming at night
323 Entries Found: Page 7  of  12

dive sites Dive sites for Cyprus