Johannes Felten - World Champion 2005

Johannes  Felten has been a member since June 2004

Over the year Johannes entered the most consistent and complete portfolio of underwater images. Indeed, Johannes images so dominated the wide angle, diver, natural light, and wreck categories that the judges decided to award only one token gold medal to give others a chance!

Johannes joins an elite band of underwater photographers who can call themselves a world champion.


Johannes was born in Cologne, Germany, on 16/12/1965 and spent five years at a boarding school in England where he started with photography as a main hobby.

Since the age of sixteen Johannes has been living in Israel, doing regular military service, and completed a B.A. in English Literature at Bar Ilan University.

Johannes started diving in 1997, and immediately took up underwater photography. Johannes started off with a Nikonos V, which still serves him well today. Johannes has not yet made the plunge into the digital camera realm, and still relies on a Nikon F5 in a recently acquired Seacam housing.

Johannes soon realized that good underwater photography demands good diving skills and so did the Divemaster course. Recently Johannes completed the E.R. technical diving course. Johannes believes combining the equipment intensive activity of technical diving with underwater photography is still a challenge.

Johannes personal preferences remain in the photography of marine life, and wrecks.

Johannes welcomes any enterprise that promotes the conservation of endangered marine life as a priority goal. In this aspect Johannes finds the efforts of protecting sharks, and particularly the Great White, especially important because their reputation rests so heavily on prejudices and misconceptions.

 Baby Seal taken Dyer Island South Africa. The area being Great White territory this cutie is taking his chances getting munched breakfast. Africa breakfast  You wait shark get close enough hope he will turn just little so hell fit nicely your vertical frame press button. Thats it. button it  Staying course. Red Sea. NikV 15mm course Sea
 Yolanda Reef Ras Muhammad Red Sea. Sea  DOLPHINS Dolphin Reef Red Sea. was snorkling when this group came swimming my direction just few metres below me. had seconds compose shot. They were so fast any attempt go after them would have been futile. Sea me shot futile  Taken Dyer Island South Africa which is Great White Shark territory. Because thousands seals around it was difficult getting shot just one itself. territory itself
 This South African Cape Fur Seal is checking strange creature that has bigger fins yet moves lot slower less agile than him. Nik. 15mm him Nik  GHOST SHIP Thistlegorm bow section taken sea bottom. bottom  Ghiannis D. Shaab Abu Nuhas Red Sea. very photogenic wreck sorts angles but it was clear water that enabled me get whole thing. Sea thing

more of Johanne's Contest Entries

CategoryNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
Macro - swimming68814
Topside (above water but marine related)22412
Wide Angle - Divers2199
Wide Angle - Marine Life1137133
Wide Angle - Natural Light (no strobe)199
Wide Angle - Wrecks292458
totals 5278815