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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Caribbean Sea

14830 Entries Found: Page 411  of  550
This was my first attempt at underwater photography and it's as if this turtle knew it. He appeared, swam a few circles and then "flew" away.
Cluster of Tunicates. D300, 105mm Maccro
Social Feather Dusters. Nikon D300, 60mm Macro, Woody's Diopter
Peek-a-boo Blue Angel seen May 2008 at Isla Mujeres. I saw several beautiful Angels while diving in Isla Mujeres and Cancun. This one was taken with a Canon SD550.
Taken with Canon G9 off the coast of NW Puerto Rico
One of many Great Barracuda
Goldentail Moray, Cozumel
the Queen Angel Fish one of the most beautiful and colorful fish of the Caribbean sea
While building my new website, i found this photo taken in 2005. A passage way thru the wall while diving in Cozumel. Always Beautiful blue water.
This barracuda was 4ft long and the picture was taken just 2 ft away from it! 10.5mm fisheye lens.
I was fortunate to see several turtles on my trip to the Cancun area last month. This one was at Isla Mujeres. I took her picture with a Canon SD550.
Bristle Worm, Diving at Cerro Gordo, Vega Alta P.R.
Spotted Triggerfish
I'm not sure he even knew the eel was there until I showed him this picture post-dive!
Green shark in Jardines de la Rejna
Wreck, El Anguila, 100', very blue parrot, not narc-ed, but had to look twice at the brilliant color. D300, Sigma 14mm, 1:2.8D
Loggerhead Turtle. This fella was massive with a span of almost 5ft. D300, Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 HSM Macro. At 18mm.
Red Snapper, Something Special, Bonaire
This lizard fish allowed a very close approach during a night dive. I never realized how spectacular some of their features were until this shot.
Small Balloonfish seen at Cancun May 2008. He was only around 6 inches long. Photo taken with a Canon SD550.
Predators! I watched this couple of Cobia fishes taking turns to attack and feed on this school of fishes but they were so fast I couldnt shot a photo of the attacks....
Hermit Crab, Diving at Culebra, P.R.
This photo was taken in Cozumel, regardless of the past storms and hurricanes the reef is alive and well. This photo is of the reef life at Columbia Pinnacles. I used my DC500, dual strobes and wide angle lens.
coral and urchin, night dive on "Veronica."
Green shark in Jardines de la Rejna - Cuba
There were three seahorses together. The orange one was very cooperative and I was able to get some nice shots. Canon 400D 100mm.
swimming along the bottom trying to get this big male lobster at the right angle with the diver made me understand how frustrated is that we can not talk underwater with our buddies
14830 Entries Found: Page 411  of  550

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