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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Landlocked Seas/Lakes

877 Entries Found: Page 31  of  33
plumatella zooids
side by side
with hydras and bell animacules,
alltogether feeding on
microbial plankton
plumatella colony
juvenile fingernail clam (3 mm)
moving around with its foot
feeding on detritus.
Shell still transparent,
gills and inner organs visible.
Black and White tech diver.
Pike trying to hide from me under a small platform in Dosthill quarry.
... but retreated, when mite landed on her.
(cf previous entry)
5 mm snail.
New Zealand mudsnail?
Lake Plussee, frequent.
Didn't mind visitors (me, tiny phyllopod) so far,
but ... (see next entry)
Early stage of a
Plumatella colony.
Lake Plussee.
mite and worm
(family naidae, stylaria spec.?)
wait for hatching of
caddis fly embryos
(phryganea type)
brown hydra on Kalmus.
Lake Schöhsee.
Canon 600D, 60mm macro,
Ikelite 150, Inon S2000,
f/11 1/200 sec
crayfish eye.
Lake Schöhsee.
EOS 600D, 60mm, DS-160
f/16 ISO 400
Another half & half shot from the 'green lake' in Austria
welcome to my boat...
budding hydra.
I wonder how
they avoid tangling arms.
water spider
Argyroneta aquatica
mites raiding egg gelatin
of Chironomus
string-shaped spawn gelatin
of Chironomus sp. (thummi-group)
- note the meandering spiral
arrangement of the eggs
polypides with horsehoe shaped tentacle ridges
in a Plumatella colony.
Lake Plussee.
Canon G10 with 2x Inon UCL 165,
S2000 strobe
caddis fly larva
(Goera type)
hydra on
piece of wood with a leg
Hydra loves free ride
on others, moving around,
here: snail and
caddis fly larva (goera type)
Would you like to play with me???
Runner Up Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Nice human/animal interaction, Els !
juvenile Unio
Lake Plussee
Little whirlpool ram's horn snail
(Anisus vorticulus )
- 5 mm diameter -
on Club-rush (Schoenoplectus)
Lake Plussee
Stone with crustose layer of the
freshwater red alga Hildenbrandia rivularis
and common nerite
common nerite
(Theodoxus fluviatilis)
Lake Plussee
Bithynia portrait.
Lake Plussee.
877 Entries Found: Page 31  of  33

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