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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Tyrrhenian Sea

2644 Entries Found: Page 61  of  98
mediterranean wrasse
Isola Caprera
Bonnelia viridis
Salema (Sarpa salpa)
Bouches de Bonifacio
busy litoral rock.
Lavezzi, Corsica
Uova d'oro
Shark egg
trumpet anemone
(Aiptasia mutabilis)
Isola Caprera
Flabellina in notturna...
Parablennius pilicornis in a parazoanthus garden
Super primo piano
In the shadow of the boat.
Mediterranean rose sponge Halyclona mediterranea, lives in shady spots.
Very young specimen of Hommarus vulgaris.
Alicia mirabilis
Sarpa sarpa & Diplodus vulgaris gathering in a cave
Sepia on prowl for breakfast
blenny with parassite...
Ti guardo
2644 Entries Found: Page 61  of  98

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