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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Caribbean Sea

14830 Entries Found: Page 241  of  550
Canon G10
Coral Pollups, Nikon d7000, 60mm macro, ikelite housing, inon strobe and light and motion focus light
A different flower.
Rewarding encounter with a Yellow Frogfish.
Domino... Whale Shark, king of the Fishies North of Isla Blanca, Cancun
Pederson Shrimp. Nikon d7000, 60mm macro lens, Ikelite housing, Inon strobe and light in motion focus light.
Red Clingfish on gorgonian.
Orangesided Goby. Nikon 105 with Subsee 5X.
Very cool behavior shot. This basket star has wrapped itself, protectively, inside a gorgonian during daylight hours.
Tormentos Wall,Cozumel Island,Mexico. Using Canon G10, housing Fix G10, Fisheye FIX wide angle lens, single strobe Sea and sea YS 110a. 90 ft deep.
While struggling in the surge to photograph green striped gobies beneath the shore line sea urchins, I came across this tiny little crab. It looks like he got splashed by paint or, maybe, he grew up in the late 60's or early 70's.
This moray eel looked rather tensed and kept testing our nerves even inside the the wreck. Later we learned that he is one of many "feeding victims" chasing the divers who do not deliver an egg on demand. Diveside is "El Aquila"
Koni in a sponge. Nikon d7000 with Ikelite housing, Inon strobe and Light in motion focus light.
Off coast Roatan i shortly pointed my camera back and captured this shot of our descending diveinstructor
Canon G10, Cozumel,Mexico-
Frogfish, Aguadilla, PR.
Yellow seahorse / at about 30 feet / Nikon d7000 / Ikelite housing / Inon strobe / Light in motion focus light.
Image shot raw and edited in Lightroom: White Balance and exposure only.
Dog and (Wo)man, Laguna Beach, Utila
The Divemaster picking up a Scorpionfish which seemed surprisingly content.
This turtle is huge. The diver is swimming right next to him. Beautiful
taken whilst waiting for the boat to come get me, off filming whales under permit.
Tropical Storm Emily forming off the shore provided an awesome sunset.
Sunset panorama on our last day of diving.
Eyes Wide Shut
You see this all the time with human photos. First time for me with my fish buddies. Secretary blenny in a full-on blink. Inset shows next shot with eyes open. Then again... I guess maybe I see the point of closing those eyes! ...
14830 Entries Found: Page 241  of  550

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