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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The South China Sea

4086 Entries Found: Page 41  of  152
Title: Humpback Coral Shrimp
Cam: Sony T-900
Housing: Sony Marine Pack
Diopter: N/A
Strobe: N/A
Torch: F.I.T 2400 WSR
Sweet Solitude. Sail Rock, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso400-f11-1/125-SilverEfex
Herculean ... ! Big Eye Travelly - Caranx sexfasciatus. Sail Rock, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso400-f5.6-1/160-Inon D2000x2-SilverEfex
Title: Natural Light
When : Jan 2015
Where : Anilao
Kit : Sony T-900, Sony Housing
Ostentatious! Nudibranch - Doriprismatica atromarginata. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f22-iso100-Inon D2000
(Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na) Batmaaaaaan! Longfin Batfish - Platax teira. Sail Rock, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso200-f13-1/60
Title: Do you wan to build a snowman?
When : Jan 2015
Where : Anilao
Kit : G15, Subsee +10, Torch
Half Way ... ! Sea Pen Shrimp - Latreutes sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f14-iso200-Inon D2000- -Inon UCL165-H2oToolsx2
0% Edit, 0% Crop
Title: Burn!!
When : Jan 2015
Where : Anilao
Kit : Sony T-900, Marine Pack, Torch
Poofy ... ! Nudibranch - Flabellina rubrolineata. Samran, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f8-iso200-Inon D2000
Spot! Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray - Taeniura lymma. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f14-iso100-Inon D2000x2
Psycho Killer. Pink Anemonefish - Amphiprion perideraion. Mae Haad, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f11-iso100-Inon D2000x2
"Luck consists largely of hanging on by your fingernails until things start to go your way." Aaron Allston. Nudibranch - Chromodoris mandapamensis. Samran, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f18-iso100-Inon D2000x2
Final Farewell. Nudibranch - Phidiana militaris. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f16-iso100-Inon D2000
"My 'fear' is my substance, and probably the best part of me." Franz Kafka. Sea Spider - Anoplodactylus sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f8-iso100-UCL165-H2oToolsx2 -Inon D2000x2
Done! Sail Rock, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f3.5-1/60-Lightroom
Time to Breathe. Sail Rock, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-iso200-f6.3-1/250
over the edge
Raging Bull. Nudibranch - Caloria indica. Samran, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000
"My witness is the empty sky." Jack Kerouac. Koh Wao Noi, Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f8-1/80
Immoderate ... ! Big Eye Travelly - Caranx sexfasciatus. Sail Rock, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso400-f5.6-1/160-Inon D2000x2-SilverEfex
Inch by Inch. Nudibranch - Hypselodoris tryoni. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f22-iso200-Inon D2000
I sincerely wish you all the most wonderful, rewarding, enriching and totally aquatic 2015! Coral - Junceella sp. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f8-1/80-Inon D2000
Absence. Sea Fan - Melithaea sp. Koh Tao, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f8-1/160-Inon D2000x2
The Invisibility of Success. Chevron Barracuda - Sphyraena qenie. Sail Rock, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso400-f7.1-1/125-SliverEfex
Life on the Edge. Nudibranch - Costasiella usagi .Mae Haad, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f18-iso100-Inon D2000x2-Inon UCL165-H2O Tools+5x2
Twister. Nudibranch - Chromodoris mandapamensis. Samran, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f18-iso100-Inon D2000x2
4086 Entries Found: Page 41  of  152

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