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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The South China Sea

4085 Entries Found: Page 31  of  152
Flamboyant cuttlefish, mating color, Lembeh Strait
Mantis Shrimp with eggs. Anilao, Philippines.
A beautiful pair of Ghost Pipe fish, Zumbaguita, Philippines.
Janolus Species, Anilao, Philippines.
Everybody needs a home. Coconut octopus living in a discarded can.
Crinoid shrimp, Anilao, Philippines
Canon S95.
Scadalicious ... Oxeye Scad - Selar boops. Sail Rock, Thailand
Zion the Lion
Octopus sleeping on the bottom
Tank wreck @43 meters down below
Rudman's Phyllodesmium, Mimics Xenia soft coral on which it feeds. Taken in Anilao, Philippines.
Go home nudi .. your drunk wink Wart Slug - Phyllidia sp. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand
The Ride
"Make-up artist" (Giant octopus eye and shrimp)
Sweet Solitude. Sail Rock, Thailand
Flow. Oxeye Scad - Selar boops. Sail Rock, Thailand
Whale Rider ... !
Title: Creamy
When : Feb 2016
Where : Celebes Beach Resort's House Reef
Kit : Epl6 + 60mm
Claus·tro·pho·bi·a - Big Eye Travely - Caranx sexfasciatus
Nembrotha nudibranch, Puerto Galera
Anemone fish
Song and a Dance
4085 Entries Found: Page 31  of  152

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