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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Caribbean Sea

14830 Entries Found: Page 461  of  550
Frogfish hiding near Bari Reef, Bonaire
Reef Octopus shot on a night dive off Cayman Brac
Sharknose Goby resting on the coral waiting for a customer to clean.
Taken in Bonaire with Canon G7 and Inon UCL 165 macro lens
Joan in a school of scad, Bari Reef, Bonaire
Picture taken while relaxing one morning on the beach down in Belize.
Porcupine fish at night, hiding from a 4 ft cubera snapper that used our lights to find prey.
Red Night Shrimp,palominito Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Scorpion fish at St. Kitt Olympus sp 350
with natural light
Morey Eel, Cozumel Mexico
Queen Angelfish,Humacao,Puerto Rico
Octopus seen June 2007 in Tobago. Taken with a Canon PowerShot SD 550.
Scorpion Fish hiding during the day, Bari Reef, Bonaire
Manati,San Juan Harbur,San Juan Puerto Rico.Camera DC500
Sea Turtle, Cozumel Mexico
This shot was taken in Tobago on June 24, 2007 with a Sony DSC-H9. I was standing on a bluff overlooking the bay. Later on that day I went snorkeling at the spot. Such a beautiful island with marvelous people!
juvenile filefish taken in belize with nikonos v
Doctorfish,Night Dive in Palominito Fajardo. Puerto Rico.Camera DC500
flamingo tongue, taken at grand cayman with nikonos v
spotted cleaner shrimp emerging from his anemone. taken in Curacao
Turtler "Carey" st Saba Rock. Olympus sp 350
This pair of butterfly fish was seen in Tobago June 2007. Photo taken with a Canon PowerShot SD 550.
turtle skimming the reef,+ lots of fish but one oddly curious. Japanese gardens, tobago
Hogfish,Humacao, Puerto Rico.Camera DC310
Wrasse, Bermuca, Nikon D70, 12 -24 mm lens.
Smile for the camera! Love the eyes!
nice jaw fish in crash boat dive site at Aguadilla
14830 Entries Found: Page 461  of  550

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