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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 141  of  452
Happy Holidays
Costasiella Kuroshimae
It's not that often that you see more than one whale shark in close proximity in Honda Bay, Palawan, and when you do you have to react very quickly to get them in the same frame. I was pleased to get two aspects of whale sharks in this photo.
B&W Super Macro
Green hairy shrimp with parasite
Purple Spikes - this little hairy squat lobster was playing hide-n-seek with a friend on the outside of a large sponge. It was difficult to get him to slow down and look at the camera - Oly Em1 43 macro
BluRing - we were fortunate to find this blue ring octo as we were diving Giant Clams in Puerto Galera. Such an amazing sight and as you can tell - he was a bit upset with all the cameras. Oly Em1 with 12-50 set on 43 macro.
Midnight Snack Time
This was one of my most amazing whale shark experiences with a shoal of red fish hanging around our boat for more than hour trying to evade this whale shark, but it eventually had its fill.
Hairy shrimp under an arch
Miniature Scorpionfish
The octopus was trying it's best to go unnoticed in a wall face of Pescador Island, Moal Boal. I wanted to capture the eye of the octopus peering out at me, and thinking "has the diver seen me?"
Green Turtle at Apo Island, Philippines.
soft coral
Golden Hairy Shrimp
File fish
Mandarins - One of the most challenging experiences for me - to be able to see the Mandarin Fish, focus and get the shot before they darted away. What a fascinating ritual! Olympus OMD-EM1
Silent Dancer - The shrimp looks like it is dancing across the soft coral - love the textures and how the shrimp seems to mimic them. Olympus EM1.
Yawning Frogfish
Shooting B&W super macro is not often done and I love doing it. Finding the right subject on the right environment and shooting it was my only task. When I saw this hairy shrimp on the algae, I knew it was my opportunity.
Nigra Layers
I shot this photo in anilao,philippines.i was so lucky with this nudibranch as i approach him he is doing his acrobats and luckily i framed it and saw in the view finder his smiling
Stone Fish
I spent a bit of time trying to get this "face" shot of this rather small ornate ghost pipefish. I was happy with the result of the time spent.
Whale sharks with their striking markings in the right lighting are ideal for b&w images.
12182 Entries Found: Page 141  of  452

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