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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Egypt

10003 Entries Found: Page 75  of  371
golden fish
Humpnose big-eye bream
at fringing reef near
Marsa Nakari
tower with anthias and damselfishes
in front of fringing reef
near Marsa Nakari
Red Sea , Egypt
"Air of sunrise"
Sunrise on the way to Thistlegorm's Wreck
Taken using an Olympus EPL3 in an Olympus housing with 14-42 lens and a Subsea +5 and 2 inon z240's
The Hamaada near Abu Ghusoon
(since about 15 years)
scrawled filefish (Aluterus scriptus)
NIKON D7000 in a Seacam "Prelude" uw housing, @30mm
Settings: f8, 1/80, ISO 100
Taken with a Fuji F200 and a Ramora stobe in Ras Mohamed
Red Sea , Egypt
Red Sea, Egypt
Final RoundThrough to 2013 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Can't say exactly why but I love this shot.
Red Sea , Egypt
Crocodile's portait
No crops- No strobes
Papilloculiceps longiceps
Acanthaster planci
Lion Fish
Juvenile anemonefish in red anemone tentacles
Discovery the reef
Red Sea , Egypt
Resting fish
Yellowspotted burrfish
(Cyclichthys spilostylus)
NIKON D7000 in a Seacam "Prelude" uw housing, @30mm
Settings: f13, 1/80, ISO 100
Bluespotted Stingray Natural light no Strobes
Taeniura lymma
blue-cheeked butterflyfish (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
NIKON D7000 in a Seacam "Prelude" uw housing, @35mm
Settings: f14, 1/80, ISO 100
What a big teeth!!!
Starry Puffer
Arothron stellatus No Strobes
panther flounder (both us pantherinus), perfectly concealed on the sand ground
10003 Entries Found: Page 75  of  371

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