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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - Super macro

6010 Entries Found: Page 159  of  223
Shots taken (at smaller than 1:1) with multiple extension rings, diopters, or teleconverters of extremely small subjects typically less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) ..crop..
Pygmy Seahorse
Brittle star releasing eggs
Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Red Coral in Portofino... :O)...
Imperial Shrimp on Sea Star
Commensal shrimp in bowed posture
Very small and sooo amazing...
Phyllidia ocellata
Crinoid squat lobster
Nikon D3s, 105 mm macro lens, +5 SubSee, (only 20% crop)
Little symbiotic Goby... :O)...
Dreagonfly larve taken with Canon G12 and 2 X UCL165
Up front and personal- Inquisitive Mantis Shrimp with eye detail
Pygmy Seahorse
Canon 60D, 100mm macro lens, +10 SubSee
ISO 125, f 7.1, 1/200
Canon 60D, 100 mm macro lens, +10 SubSee
ISO 200, f 16, 1/160
A Hermit Crab's Emerald Spirograph Eyes
Coral Hermit Crab
Small Blennie
Hydras... :O)...
Whip goby
The Easter Blenny
The more small
Nikon d200 , 60 micro , twin strobo
Manado , Indonesia
Orange Amphipod
part 3:

"Cute little - Very Hungry - Pygmy Squid"

grabbed a snack while shooting!
Purple-eyed goby
Scribbled Pipefish Profile: Nikkor 105VR, +10 Subsee
Shrimp Profile -such a dastardly creature...fascinated by their blades and barbs.
6010 Entries Found: Page 159  of  223