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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - Super macro

6010 Entries Found: Page 148  of  223
Shots taken (at smaller than 1:1) with multiple extension rings, diopters, or teleconverters of extremely small subjects typically less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Women In Red
Tube worm taken at Kas/Antalya
Developed Damselfsih eggs…Just about to hatch. No crop. Taken with Reefnet Subsee 10+
Emperor shrimp
Little Red Shrimp
Tunicates. NIkon 105 mm and SubSea 5X diopter.
I first thought to discover a strange parasite on the Janolus cristatus. Later I found that it was a juvenile Aeolidia papillosa of 1-2mm. Shot with a +10 diopter on my 50mm macro lens.
shiny goby eyes
Secretary blenny in sponge. Nice eye lashes! Nikon 105 mm and SubSea 5X diopter.
Squat lobster
Crinoid squat lobster
Nikon D3s, 105 mm macro lens, +5 SubSee
Whip coral shrimp
Shy Blenny
Whip coral shrimp. Nikon 105 mm and SubSea 5X diopter.
Venomous Sea Urchin
taken with +15 diopter
Close up of a Black Durgon. 60mm with +3 diopter
Canon G12, UCL165, 2 x D2000
Colourful umbrella
Shrimp Portrait
taken with Nikon D3s, 105mm macro lens, +15 wet diopter
Blenny in red coral, Veracruz, Mexico.
juvenile fingernail clam (3 mm)
moving around with its foot
feeding on detritus.
Shell still transparent,
gills and inner organs visible.
Goby Portrait
Hay you gus lets have a party. Hinge back shrimp
Close-up of valve big grin
Gold spotted anemone shrimp. Nikon 105 mm and SubSea 5X diopter.
Gorgonian polyps with Nikon 105 mm and SubSea 5X.
Secretary blenny in sponge. Nikon 105 mm and SubSea 5X.
6010 Entries Found: Page 148  of  223