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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Bali Sea

5295 Entries Found: Page 144  of  197
dawn at Padangbai, gf1 by Jun Lao
by: Jun Lao
dawn at Padangbai, gf1
Risbecia tryoni smiling ?
Ring Tailed Cardinal Fish with Eggs.
He was under a table coral and swimming with 30 others (4 had eggs). Very difficult to focus 105mm in low light. Fish were too skittish to use focus light. D300/Inon Strobes/105mm.
Clown fish taken at Menjangen Island Bali with Canon 7D with 60mm Macro lens
Manderin Fish shot at Mimpi Lagoon at Menjangen Bali with Canon 7D and 60mm macro lens.
Spirobranchus giganteus b/w
Nembrotha Chamberlaini
Sweetlips getting a facial
Hypselodoris infucata. D300/Inon Strobes/105mm.
magnificent chromodoris
midnight snapper in for a closer look
chromodoris kuniei's eggs
Amplexidiscus sp.
Our guide found this nice xeno crab on a whip coral and right next to it, there was another one. Amed and Tulamben are indeed good for critters. olympus E330, 50mm macro, nexus wetlens, 2 Ikelite DS125 strobes.
I just love the patterns in crcodile fish eyes and well bahaved subjects too
Bolbometopon muricatum
Harlequin GPF
Canon G11, Inon D-2000, Inon macro lens
Nudibranch laying egg ribbon, Komodo, Indonesia.
dwarfed.. by Jun Lao
by: Jun Lao
Dasycaris zanzibarica on cirripathes sp.
Hypselodoris kanga
A shy Hippocampus taeniopterus
Platax pinnatus in the Liberty wreck
Periclemenes Coleman twins...
Wild Flower - Snoot
Hymenocera elegans
Face and Profile :-)
(Just Photoshopped with a red filter to make an old style)
5295 Entries Found: Page 144  of  197

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