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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Celebes Sea

4094 Entries Found: Page 125  of  152
Coral goby well camouflaged in this gorgonian D200/105 VR
I love my little nest.
Look! I have an eyebrow ! Small fish make-up !
found in Kapalai, D200
My favorite non mouving subject are those soft corals taken in Sangalaki D200/10.5mmm
Coral reef in front of the jetty of Kakaban island on a lucky day smile
Beware porcelain crab watching!!!!!............350D/70mm
Antennarius commersoni
Squid Smile
My first large fish entry D200/10.5mm
soft coral crab, Mabul, D200
Octopus playing in plastic bag Lembeh 350D/70mm
Non stinging Jellyfish in lake Kakaban. Taken while snorkling. I had a wetsuit but no weightbelt so I had to keep kicking down to take this photo smile
Stegostoma fasciatum
Flabelina Rubrolineata
Upside-down jellyfish in Kakaban lake D200/12-24
this squid pic was taken in the Lembeh Straits-I used a 60mm lens and Nikon D-200 and a lot of breath holding to get close enough to it! Taken from below
Schooling fish under my hut on Darawan island, Borneo, Indonesia

Final RoundThrough to 2008 awards final round judging
Nudi, chromodoris kuniei
Baby turtle on the beach trying to crawl out of its egg.
Runner Up - worthy of note but not a medal winner - an equal 4th place if you like! Runner Up 2008

Final RoundThrough to 2008 awards final round judging
Camouflage !!
Platax boersii
Maybe under the wrong categorie,I'm not sure with woukd be best But I shot it with the 10.5 so I think is ok D200/10.5mm
Baby turtle just released at sunset, carried away by a wave. Sangalaki, Indonesia. Nikon D200 with 10.5mm lens and 2 Inon strobes under water.
Suicidal fishie 350d/70mm
Sponges growing on the overhanging branches of the mangrove trees at lake Kakaban in Indonesia.
4094 Entries Found: Page 125  of  152

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