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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The South China Sea

4060 Entries Found: Page 106  of  151
Unusual maroon and yellow spotted nudi, could not find it name.
NikonosV 1:2 extension tube
looking from the tail towards the eyes of a scorpion fish - unusual angle... NO CROPPING Canon G-10
Anomone Crab on the underside of a closed Anomone. The underside of the Anomone is very pretty. Nikonos V 1:2 extension tube.
Big Frogfish portrait. Notice the lure in the top right. Anilao. G9/Ikelite DS160/UCL165.
With my new G10... still getting the hang of it...
A tiny goby perched on a black tube coral.
sunset signs of end of day...home for dinner, guys.
Canon G10
Eye Contact by Paul Ng
by: Paul Ng
Eye Contact
Casio exilim ex z 1200
Flabellina exoptata, Nikonos V 1:2 extension tubes
One of many beautiful nudis of Anilao, D300, 105
Hairy Squat Lobster. Photo taken between the ribs of a barrel sponge. G9/Ikelite DS160/UCL165.
Off Batangas Philippines. Casio Exilim EX z 1200
Blue Ribbon Eel, a very difficult shot for me using Nikonos V 1:2 extension tube. After the digital divers scared it back into its hole, I laid with the framer ready to take the shot for 7 minutes before he poked his head back up.
LionFish in Nha Trang, Vietnam
Ambon Scorpionfish
A blue ring watching me. Canon G10 (replaced the exilim, although haven't got the hang of the G10 yet - so far i think the Exilim was better)
SMILE! Armina Sp. G9/Ikelite DS160/UCL 165.
Fly a kit underwater
Frogfish. Anilao, Philippines. G9/Ikelite DS160/UCL 165.
Lone Fisherman slowly chugging home in his sampan.
Canon G10
Spot-Edged Dermatobranchus feeding on Dendronephthya sp. soft coral. Taken with Canon Powershot 710is with Inon Z240 strobe.
off batangas Philippines. Casio exilim
Red frogfish. Anilao, Philippines. Canon G9/Ikelite DS 160/ UCL 165.
look closely, the scorpion fish's eye on the coral! Caio exilim ex z1200
Stacked. Pygmy Seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti). Canon G9/Ikelite DS160/UCL 165.
4060 Entries Found: Page 106  of  151

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