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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - Close-Up

15702 Entries Found: Page 32  of  582
Shots taken of a subject between 3 inches and 1 foot (7.5 to 30cm) in size (e.g. large fish or diver head) that dominates the frame - any background is incidental and occupies LESS THAN 50% of frame
This is a photo of my cuttlefish friend, nuki! I have been diving on the house reef of my friend's dive resort and this fella always shows up towards the end of my photo dives. He always poses before my camera and always gets intrigue by lights.
Winner Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Goby profile_Los Arcos dive site_Puerto Vallarta_2022
(Canon100mm ,t1/250,f/20,iso160)
Protector of the jewel.
Goldentail moray eel portrait
Christmas Tree Worm
Elacatinus puncticulatus_2022
(Canon100mm, t1/250, f/20, iso 125)
This is a photo of a flamboyant cuttlefish. You can't see in the photo but this little fella is actually pregnant. She is quite more friendly than most I've encountered underwater. She appears to enjoy the light flashes smile
Los Arcos_P.V._2022
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/20,iso200)
Porcelain crab 🦀
Sculpin fish_2022
(Canon100mm,t1/250, f/20,iso125)
Soft coral close up_2022
(Canon60 mm, t1/200, f/20,iso 200)
First record of a Marbled Shrimp - Saron marmoratus in Cyprus waters!
The shrimp was found in company with a Diadema setosum, probably being protected by him.
Clown Fish🧡
Mexican tube blenny looking out from its lair_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250, f/18,iso125)
The armour of a seastar
A beautiful display by a tube worm
Fiercely protecting its home
Hypsoblennius invemar
Tessellated Blenny
Red head goby( Elacatinus puncticulatus)_P.V._ 2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso 125)
I was lucky to see this nudibranch before other divers from our group found it. I had plenty of time to watch and shoot while the subject posed for the shot.
Harlequin shrimp (Hymenocera picta)
Reaching out
False plum anemones communicate with each other
This is a photo of a photo of a pink scorpionfish waiting for his prey beside hard corals. They're naturally ugly, it took much effort to beautify this one. Taken in Coconut Site, Anilao, Batangas.
Brown Chromis with Pederson Shrimp
The Curtain
The beautiful oral arms of a root-mouthed jellyfish
This is a photo of a mantis shrimp carrying her eggs. The mantis shrimp was curious and wants to investigate the lightning flashes coming her way. smile
15702 Entries Found: Page 32  of  582