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Underwater Photo Contest | Wide Angle - Divers

6384 Entries Found: Page 8  of  237
Divers doing what divers do - underwater or on the surface
Picture taken in de Köbanya mine in Budapest. This 'mine' is not a real mine, but was a wine cellar. Now parts are flooded and you can dive.
This picture is taken in the 'Möllerbunker' in Germany, it is an old steelbunker. So it is not mine, no wreck, but it still is old iron and dark and narrow.
Old slate mine in Willingen, Germany. This is the room where the explosives were stored.
Playing with light effects into Bue Marino cave, Sardinia, Italy
white tip reef shark resting @ Roca Partida
Old Slate mine 'Nuttlar' in Germany. Diving in a museum.
Diving through magnificent sunbeams in the cenotes of Mexico.
This picture is taken in the Grevelingen in the Netherlands. No clear blue waters, but always a little bit murky green water. And also colorful.
Bel Torente cave in Sardinia Italy. This cave starts from the sea, but later it will be fresh water. The halocline is beautifull. Salt water 24 degrees C, fresh water part only 15 C.
CCR Diver in Messinghausen / Germany
Nordhausen - Sundhäuser See - Germany
Old slate mine 'Christine' in Germany.
3rd place Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Final RoundThrough to 2022 awards final round judging
Some stalactites in a cave in Mexico.
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This picture is taken in the Marchepied cave in France. The entrance is narrow and sidemount only.
Diver on a CCR in a german lake
Diver in Mine Nuttlar/Germany
Nuttlar Minediving
into the wild. people go dive for fun or seeing animal or taking picture of wild life. but after the dive, its always the pleasure we feel when we go up. its a whole new feelings.
This picture is taken in the Felicitas Slate mine in Germany. An underwater museum
Silver Medal Silver Medal 2022

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Felicitas slate mine in Germany
Nuttlar Slate mine
Lachtani momentka
Different light and colours shades in La Concha cave, México
This was on the last night on the liveaboard we were staying on. There were only a handful of divers around. I was lucky to get this shot of one of the photographers getting some closeup shot of the whale shark. Shot on canon r5 in a nauticam housing
Felicitas slate mine
Diver in the Mine Nuttlar Germany in Sidemount Configuration
6384 Entries Found: Page 8  of  237