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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Aruba

109 Entries Found: Page 3  of  5
Spotted Cleaner
Playing with a new lens
This was taken on Klein Bonaire at Carl's Hill. We had dove Hilma Hooker in the morning so I was setup with my Tokina 10-17 Fisheye which doesn't make getting a seahorse easy but I thought this came out pretty nice.
This was taken on the North Side of Bonaire but since Bonaire is not listd in the countries I picked Aruba. Very beautiful Coral on this side of the island.
Green Moray
Jellyfish and diver
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp and friend found living in a rusting pipe.
Came across this Yellowhead Jawfish with his mouthful of eggs and was able to revisit him on his next egg cycle (8 days after a full or new moon). Actually take off of Bonaire which is not included in the above choice of countries???
Parrotfish after visiting the dental hygienist.
Antilla Wrecks
Just Chilling
Green Morey
Tarpon in Bonaire Nikon S7100, Ikelite AF 35 strobe, Wide angle wet lens
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Detailed shot of a Gorgonian
The Lions Den
Curious French Angel, only inches from the lens
Christmas Tree Tube-worm on bleaching Coral
Redbanded Coral Shrimp
The eye of the Scorpionfish
The eye of a Scorpion fish, shot with a Canon 350D and Canon 60mm Macrolens
Flamingo Tongue shells eating soft corals
this is an arrow crab that I saw while diving. I took it with a macro setting on a point and shoot canon digital camera. Much to my surprise it turned out great
Everytime i see this picture i recall the roman coliseum in Italy which ive been to many times...Took me like 10 minutes to get the shot because there were many divers crossing around it was like a shopping mall full of fish and divers.
Magic f...
Hanging out
Green Moray, shot taken at Mangel Halto, Aruba
109 Entries Found: Page 3  of  5

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