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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Immacolata Moccia

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Peoples' Vote

Smaragdia virdis on posidonia oceanica
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Monday, May 15, 2017
16 votes

La madonnina del Vervece - Sorrento (Na)
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Thursday, August 10, 2017
15 votes

Rhizostoma pulmo - Polmone di Mare - Miseno, Naples
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Monday, March 27, 2017
14 votes

swimming Sleeping water meeting this splendid specimen of Rhizostoma pulmo
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Monday, March 13, 2017
13 votes

Pyrosoma atlanticum between Posidonia Oceanica
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Friday, March 17, 2017
13 votes

Detail of the tuft - Trapania di Ortea - Miseno, Naples
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Wednesday, March 22, 2017
13 votes

Periclimenes amethysteus
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Wednesday, March 15, 2017
11 votes

Submerged archaeological park -
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Thursday, May 4, 2017
11 votes

In the archeologic Park Ninfeo Submerged at the site in the ruins of the perimeter walls, a nocticula pelagia
By Immacolata Moccia
posted Thursday, January 3, 2019
11 votes

By Immacolata Moccia
posted Wednesday, March 29, 2017
10 votes
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20 Entries Found
In the archeologic Park Ninfeo Submerged at the site in the ruins of the perimeter walls, a nocticula pelagia
This is the image of the mosaic of the pancraziasti representing two figures of wrestlers.
Scilla - paramuricea clavata
Posta Fibreno Lake
Inside the cave with scuba diver
Lake of Capo D'Acqua - The windmills are submerged
La madonnina del Vervece - Sorrento (Na)
Seahorses during childbirth
Smaragdia virdis on posidonia oceanica
Submerged archaeological park - "Baios"
Model in coast
"Protection" - Rhizostoma with guest
Rhizostoma pulmo - Polmone di Mare - Miseno, Naples
Detail of the tuft - Trapania di Ortea - Miseno, Naples
Lake st george of liri is a fresh water spring
Pyrosoma atlanticum between Posidonia Oceanica
Periclimenes amethysteus
swimming Sleeping water meeting this splendid specimen of Rhizostoma pulmo
Look me - Gobius
20 Entries Found