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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Rudy Matt

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Peoples' Vote

D300 with 60mm macro lens. Nexus housing with Inon strobe Z240 x2. S 1/250 F22 ISO 1,01
Dive site: the rock Mamutik Island Borneo
By Rudy Matt
posted Sunday, January 25, 2015
90 votes

Thelenota ananas
Was shot at sapi reef borneo
By Rudy Matt
posted Friday, January 23, 2015
88 votes

Nudibrach of sabah, borneo
By Rudy Matt
posted Tuesday, January 20, 2015
87 votes

Canon 350D. Patima housing, single external plash. 
F1/160 S16. Exp -2. WB cloudy.
Dive location roach reef resort, twu Sabah.
By Rudy Matt
posted Sunday, February 1, 2015
86 votes

Couple from Borneo
Nikon D300, 60mm macro lens with Nexus housing. 
2 Inon strobe, f1/125 S22. Iso 1.1.0
Dive site: Ribbon eel Borneo
By Rudy Matt
posted Thursday, February 5, 2015
79 votes

crystal of borneo
Nikon D300 with Nexus Housing. 60mm Nikkor macro lens. x2 Inon strobes. F1/125 S16. Iso 1.01
Dive site: Coral Garden, Sapi reef
By Rudy Matt
posted Thursday, February 19, 2015
65 votes

By Rudy Matt
posted Wednesday, January 21, 2015
55 votes

nudis of survivor island.
Nikon D300 with Nexus Housing. nikkor macro lens 60mm
single inon strobe z-240
F1/125 S16 iso 1.01
Dive site: Asmara Point, pulau tiga resort
By Rudy Matt
posted Monday, March 9, 2015
54 votes

Nudis off mabul.
Canon G16. 1/160 s2.8 exp -2. Enternal flash.
Dive site:Ray Point, Mabul Island Borneo.
By Rudy Matt
posted Friday, January 30, 2015
35 votes

Nudis of borneo, part II.
Nikon D300 with 60mm macro lens. Inon strobe x2. Nexus housing. 
F22/ s1/250. Iso 1,01
Kota kinabalu, sabah, malaysia.
By Rudy Matt
posted Tuesday, January 27, 2015
32 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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11 Entries Found
nudis of survivor island.
Nikon D300 with Nexus Housing. nikkor macro lens 60mm
single inon strobe z-240
F1/125 S16 iso 1.01
Dive site: Asmara Point, pulau tiga resort
crystal of borneo
Nikon D300 with Nexus Housing. 60mm Nikkor macro lens. x2 Inon strobes. F1/125 S16. Iso 1.01
Dive site: Coral Garden, Sapi reef
Couple from Borneo
Nikon D300, 60mm macro lens with Nexus housing.
2 Inon strobe, f1/125 S22. Iso 1.1.0
Dive site: Ribbon eel Borneo
Canon 350D. Patima housing, single external plash.
F1/160 S16. Exp -2. WB cloudy.
Dive location roach reef resort, twu Sabah.
Nudis off mabul.
Canon G16. 1/160 s2.8 exp -2. Enternal flash.
Dive site:Ray Point, Mabul Island Borneo.
Whitetip shark n jackfish,
Canon 350D with patima housing. Normal lens 18-55. S3.5 f1/160 iso 200. W/B cloudy.External flash.
Dive site: barracuda point, Sipadan, Sabah.
Nudis of borneo, part II.
Nikon D300 with 60mm macro lens. Inon strobe x2. Nexus housing.
F22/ s1/250. Iso 1,01
Kota kinabalu, sabah, malaysia.
D300 with 60mm macro lens. Nexus housing with Inon strobe Z240 x2. S 1/250 F22 ISO 1,01
Dive site: the rock Mamutik Island Borneo
Thelenota ananas
Was shot at sapi reef borneo
Nudibrach of sabah, borneo
11 Entries Found