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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Adrian Slack

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Peoples' Vote

Lionfish @ the depths of Atlantis
By Adrian Slack
posted Monday, August 25, 2014
24 votes

horsing around
By Adrian Slack
posted Wednesday, September 3, 2014
20 votes

Moving home.. Hermit crab evicting the current tenant for a bigger shell
By Adrian Slack
posted Friday, September 5, 2014
15 votes

Look in to my eye.....
By Adrian Slack
posted Tuesday, August 26, 2014
14 votes

The white way up, adult male humpback whale giving us a once in a lifetime swim
By Adrian Slack
posted Monday, September 8, 2014
14 votes

everyone loves a redhead
By Adrian Slack
posted Thursday, November 20, 2014
14 votes

Here's looking at you
By Adrian Slack
posted Friday, September 12, 2014
12 votes

raise a claw
By Adrian Slack
posted Sunday, August 31, 2014
11 votes

Smashy smashy
By Adrian Slack
posted Thursday, August 28, 2014
10 votes

Spanish dancer at 40m on atlantis
By Adrian Slack
posted Tuesday, September 9, 2014
9 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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25 Entries Found
Gas flame nudi as they're known here pretending to be an oriental Chinese dragon
Blended. White with orange dots painted frogfish
Butterfly of the sea
Contrast, reef octopus being attacked by banner fish.
Wide angle nudi
The belly of the beast.. Clark's anemone fish protecting it's eggs and biting anything that comes comes close!
Leaf me alone, leafy scorpion fish (or paperfish as known locally)
The illusive ribbon eel close up... At last!
everyone loves a redhead
looking right through me
The spotlight's on the idol
Clowning around with a vicious clarks anemone fish and being bit by it 5 times whilst taking this shot
Here's looking at you
Spanish dancer heading up out of the depths of Atlantis
Spanish dancer at 40m on atlantis
The white way up, adult male humpback whale giving us a once in a lifetime swim
Moving home.. Hermit crab evicting the current tenant for a bigger shell
juvenile spanish dancer
horsing around
raise a claw
Smashy smashy
Look in to my eye.....
Lionfish @ the depths of Atlantis
nudi's got the hump, Ponta Do Ouro Mozambique
closer.... Taken in Ponta Do Ouro Mozambique
25 Entries Found