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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Giafferi Jonathan

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Peoples' Vote

Tortue verte- Green sea turtle - 
Chelonia mydas
This shot make near Gili Air Island in Indonésia.
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Saturday, November 26, 2011
77 votes

Doris géante  - Giant doris -
Hypselodoris picta picta
Grande taille, 10 à 15 cm en général
Manteau court au bord festonné et ondulé
Rhinophores bleus 
Panache branchial clair et taché de jaune
Tout le corps est parsemé de taches jaunes
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Wednesday, December 7, 2011
24 votes

Poisson-faucon à long bec ( Oxycirrhites typus )
Sur une gorgone
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Tuesday, December 6, 2011
18 votes

Gaterin à rubans  - Plectorhinchus - Sous-groupe : Haemulidés
Indo-Pacifique tropical, Indonésie
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Thursday, February 2, 2012
18 votes

Doris à marges noires
Glossodoris atromarginata
Species of sea slug, dorid nudibranch - Gastropod mollusk
Family : Chromodorididae.
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Sunday, November 27, 2011
16 votes

Poisson-crapaud - Clown-Frogfish
Antennarius maculatus
Amed - Bali
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Monday, November 28, 2011
15 votes

Crénilabre à queue noire - Symphodus melanocercus.
Poisson nettoyeur. Il tente ici de déparasiter un crénilabre tanche ( Symphodus tinca )
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Saturday, December 24, 2011
15 votes

Limace de Mer - ( Tambja morosa )
Mollusques gastéropodes opisthobranches.
Spécies has a primarily Indo-Pacific distribution, and fond in Philippines, Indonésia,Malaysia,New Zeeland etc
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Wednesday, November 30, 2011
14 votes

Poisson-scorpion  -  Scorpaenopsis sp.
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Saturday, December 10, 2011
14 votes

Comatule  - Crinoids, marine animals that make up the class Crinoidea.
By Giafferi Jonathan
posted Sunday, December 18, 2011
10 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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15 Entries Found
Spinecheek anemonefish
Rascasse volante...
Tétrodon à points noirs - ( Arothron nigropunctatus ) Groupe : Tetraodontiformes - Sous-groupe : Tetraodontidés.
Nudibranche à pointes orange - ( Halgerda sp ) - Groupe : Mollusques - Sous groupe :gastéropodes
Gaterin à rubans - Plectorhinchus - Sous-groupe : Haemulidés
Indo-Pacifique tropical, Indonésie
Murène à gueule jaune - Gymnothorax nudivomer -
Crénilabre à queue noire - Symphodus melanocercus.
Poisson nettoyeur. Il tente ici de déparasiter un crénilabre tanche ( Symphodus tinca )
Comatule - Crinoids, marine animals that make up the class Crinoidea.
Poisson-scorpion - Scorpaenopsis sp.
Doris géante - Giant doris -
Hypselodoris picta picta
Grande taille, 10 à 15 cm en général
Manteau court au bord festonné et ondulé
Rhinophores bleus
Panache branchial clair et taché de jaune
Tout le corps est parsemé de taches jaunes
Poisson-faucon à long bec ( Oxycirrhites typus )
Sur une gorgone
Limace de Mer - ( Tambja morosa )
Mollusques gastéropodes opisthobranches.
Spécies has a primarily Indo-Pacific distribution, and fond in Philippines, Indonésia,Malaysia,New Zeeland etc
Poisson-crapaud - Clown-Frogfish
Antennarius maculatus
Amed - Bali
Doris à marges noires
Glossodoris atromarginata
Species of sea slug, dorid nudibranch - Gastropod mollusk
Family : Chromodorididae.
Tortue verte- Green sea turtle -
Chelonia mydas
This shot make near Gili Air Island in Indonésia.
15 Entries Found