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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Walt Conklin

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Peoples' Vote

Blue Whale breach feeding off Redondo Beach submarine canyon
By Walt Conklin
posted Monday, October 4, 2010
23 votes

Back off/ This was my first encounter with a Mantis Shrimp, I was a little hesitant to get too close.
By Walt Conklin
posted Friday, May 7, 2010
20 votes

After playing hide and go seek under the kelp for 1/2 an hour he finally got comfortable enough with me to make contact by first tugging on my fins, then I rolled over and sat on the oceans bottom trying to get a good picture of this inquisitive seal
By Walt Conklin
posted Wednesday, December 30, 2009
18 votes

I was trying to get the gorgonian properly exposed with the diver overhead while this Garibaldi was constantly pecking at my dome port, finally he came to the center and I got this shot.
By Walt Conklin
posted Wednesday, April 21, 2010
14 votes

Orange snot, NOT/ Orange puffball sponge, up close and personal.
By Walt Conklin
posted Saturday, May 8, 2010
14 votes

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5 Entries Found
Blue Whale breach feeding off Redondo Beach submarine canyon
Orange snot, NOT/ Orange puffball sponge, up close and personal.
Back off/ This was my first encounter with a Mantis Shrimp, I was a little hesitant to get too close.
I was trying to get the gorgonian properly exposed with the diver overhead while this Garibaldi was constantly pecking at my dome port, finally he came to the center and I got this shot.
After playing hide and go seek under the kelp for 1/2 an hour he finally got comfortable enough with me to make contact by first tugging on my fins, then I rolled over and sat on the oceans bottom trying to get a good picture of this inquisitive seal
5 Entries Found