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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Alan Lyall

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Peoples' Vote

By Alan Lyall
posted Sunday, February 27, 2011
39 votes

Hi there... chromodoris magnifica
By Alan Lyall
posted Friday, February 19, 2010
36 votes

Sharknose goby hitches a ride on a trumpetfish nose
By Alan Lyall
posted Tuesday, March 31, 2009
34 votes

Nembrotha lineolata on golden sea squirt (Polycarpa aurata)
By Alan Lyall
posted Friday, March 19, 2010
33 votes

Sea spider (Endeis flaccida)
By Alan Lyall
posted Saturday, February 27, 2010
31 votes

Flamingo Tongue - Bonaire - Canon EOS350D; EF-S 60mm; single DS-125 strobe
By Alan Lyall
posted Monday, February 9, 2009
30 votes

Gills - Nembrotha lineolata
By Alan Lyall
posted Friday, March 26, 2010
28 votes

Spotted cleaner shrimp - Bonaire - Canon EOS350D, EF-S 60mm
By Alan Lyall
posted Sunday, February 1, 2009
27 votes

There were 9 of these juvenile squid on the previous dive but I found only 6 a couple of days later... Bonaire - Canon EOS350D; EF-S 60mm
By Alan Lyall
posted Monday, February 2, 2009
27 votes

Giant squirrelfish - Canon EOS350D; EF-S 60mm; single DS-125
By Alan Lyall
posted Monday, March 2, 2009
27 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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79 Entries Found: Page 1  of  3
Gills - Nembrotha lineolata
Nembrotha lineolata on golden sea squirt (Polycarpa aurata)
Bronze Medal Bronze Medal 2010

Final RoundThrough to 2010 awards final round judging
Horns - Nembrotha lineolata
Nembrotha Chamberlaini - mating
Sea spider (Endeis flaccida)
Hi there... chromodoris magnifica
Trumpet fish - mouth detail
Lettuce slug - front end - full frame
Moon jelly central portion detail - full frame
The kiss - a peck on the cheek for the great soapfish from a golden tail moray... full frame
French Angelfish - full frame
Cryptic teardrop crab - night dive in Bonaire
Arrow crab chooses a quiet place for lunch (but what's that behind him??) Actually this scene ended well for the crab... the moray made several lunges but was obviously not interested in a crabbie pattie... full frame - no cropping
Eye of the flamingo...
Queen Angelfish - eye and cheek detail
Squat anemone shrimp
Juvenile spotted drum - full frame - no cropping
Pederson's cleaner shrimp - no cropping
Moon jelly drifting just below the surface in the warm Caribbean water - full frame - first trip with new EOS50D
Sabella spallanzanii
Carefree in Bonaire - my daughter getting her feet wet at the Windsock dive site
This exhausted shrimp was trying to climb up one of the mooring ropes of our liveaboard one evening to get out of the current and away from predators... I'm sure it would have made a tasty meal for something if it lost its grip...
Yellow Christmas tree worm with pink sponge
Pederson's Cleaner Shrimp - enjoying a spot of lunch - finger licking good...
79 Entries Found: Page 1  of  3