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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Craig Hoover

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Peoples' Vote

Flabellina iodinea and I sharing a moment.
By Craig Hoover
posted Thursday, June 17, 2010
32 votes

Red gorgonian on a brittlestar reef.  This is a companion to an earlier shot and tells the story of an entire wall.  Shot taken at Coral Reef on Anacapa Island in Southern California.
By Craig Hoover
posted Saturday, November 20, 2010
21 votes

White Lined Dirona
Dirona albolineata

Northern California is awesome!  I almost forgot about the 45 degree water.
By Craig Hoover
posted Friday, August 14, 2009
19 votes

Red Kelpfish
By Craig Hoover
posted Thursday, July 9, 2009
17 votes

Coralline sculpin, Artedius corallinus, taken with Canon 7D, 60 mm lens and Fantasea 44 Led focusing light.  (No strobe)
By Craig Hoover
posted Tuesday, November 23, 2010
16 votes

Ever notice how the shape of an anemone mimics the shape of an urchin?
By Craig Hoover
posted Saturday, February 6, 2010
13 votes

Southern California Reefscape
By Craig Hoover
posted Sunday, November 28, 2010
12 votes

Hermissenda crassicornis from Mendocino, California.
By Craig Hoover
posted Thursday, September 2, 2010
11 votes

One of a million surrounding Ophiothrix spiculata climbed this purple gorgonian.  Brittlestar reefs are unique and wonderous.  Photo taken at Coral Reef on Anacapa in Southern California.
By Craig Hoover
posted Friday, November 19, 2010
8 votes

Dendrodoris behrensi and Pinauay marina
By Craig Hoover
posted Wednesday, May 25, 2011
5 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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10 Entries Found
Dendrodoris behrensi and Pinauay marina
Southern California Reefscape
Coralline sculpin, Artedius corallinus, taken with Canon 7D, 60 mm lens and Fantasea 44 Led focusing light. (No strobe)
Red gorgonian on a brittlestar reef. This is a companion to an earlier shot and tells the story of an entire wall. Shot taken at Coral Reef on Anacapa Island in Southern California.
One of a million surrounding Ophiothrix spiculata climbed this purple gorgonian. Brittlestar reefs are unique and wonderous. Photo taken at Coral Reef on Anacapa in Southern California.
Hermissenda crassicornis from Mendocino, California.
Flabellina iodinea and I sharing a moment.
Ever notice how the shape of an anemone mimics the shape of an urchin?
White Lined Dirona
Dirona albolineata
Northern California is awesome! I almost forgot about the 45 degree water.
Red Kelpfish
10 Entries Found