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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Andy Boundy

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Peoples' Vote

Banded coral shrimp - this guy was in a sponge at about 55ft. Sealife DC600 w/ strobe
By Andy Boundy
posted Saturday, August 9, 2008
20 votes

Sand Diver Lizard fish - you can see the teeth on this little guy. Sealife DC600 at 55 ft. Grand Cayman.
By Andy Boundy
posted Sunday, August 3, 2008
18 votes

CAribbean Spiny Lobster. I cropped this one to show the amazing colours on these guys - more than just food I think you'll agree! DC600 Sealife w/strobe at 65ft
By Andy Boundy
posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008
18 votes

Spotted Moray - 100 ft. with Sealife DC600 - unusual around here to see these guys open - usually tucked-away with only their head showing
By Andy Boundy
posted Saturday, September 27, 2008
18 votes

This was a really cool Hawksbill turtle - as big as I have seen. Using a DC600 S-life I snapped 6 photos, and this is the best. I have not retouched it at all as I would probably muck it up! I was within about 2 ft. of this guy (who was easy 2ft long
By Andy Boundy
posted Saturday, July 26, 2008
17 votes

Juvenile spotted drum - 35 ft. SeaLife DC600. About 3.5
By Andy Boundy
posted Monday, August 4, 2008
17 votes

Check out the tiny one next to the larger flamingo tongue - probably 3-4mm in length
By Andy Boundy
posted Saturday, September 13, 2008
17 votes

Looking west fro Sunset House (good dive centre) Sept '08 - if this doesn't make you want to dive, nothing will!
By Andy Boundy
posted Thursday, September 18, 2008
17 votes

A trumpet fish, nicely lined up with a sea fan. This was about 30ft. Sealife DC600 w/ strobe.
By Andy Boundy
posted Thursday, August 7, 2008
16 votes

Spot the Scorpion Fish! This chap was sitting on the bottom at 55ft blended in perfectly with the coral. He's about 1 ft. long I guess. Sealife DC600 w/strobe Grand Cayman as all my images are.
By Andy Boundy
posted Sunday, August 17, 2008
15 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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22 Entries Found
Sharp nose puffer - I find it hard to get these guys as they swim away before I get too close and hide in the coral - anyway - this guy was co-operating a little
Spotted Moray - 100 ft. with Sealife DC600 - unusual around here to see these guys open - usually tucked-away with only their head showing
Spotted Moral Eel - there are a few of these guys around. 65ft. with Sealife DC600
Looking west fro Sunset House (good dive centre) Sept '08 - if this doesn't make you want to dive, nothing will!
CAribbean Spiny Lobster. I cropped this one to show the amazing colours on these guys - more than just food I think you'll agree! DC600 Sealife w/strobe at 65ft
Check out the tiny one next to the larger flamingo tongue - probably 3-4mm in length
Queen Angel - DC600
Grey Angels - very friendly - we were with them for several minutes. 50ft DC600 Sealife
"Dude - not now - really!"
Nice spotted Moray telling me off. 80 ft. DC600 w/strobe
Trumpetfish - a very long, fat and healthy guy at 75 ft - he was unafraid so I could get pretty close DC600 w strobe
Spot the Scorpion Fish! This chap was sitting on the bottom at 55ft blended in perfectly with the coral. He's about 1 ft. long I guess. Sealife DC600 w/strobe Grand Cayman as all my images are.
Flamingo Tongue Nudibranch (just like saying that!) on a sea fan at about 55 ft. Sealife DC600 w/strobe. Love finding these guys - normally for me they are on branch coral, but this chap was fanning himself.
Banded coral shrimp - this guy was in a sponge at about 55ft. Sealife DC600 w/ strobe
Black Durgon - not black at all as you can see - they look black up to about 2 ft. away and then you start to notice the colours - only lighting with a flash shows how amazing they really are. 45 ft. Sealife DC600 w/strobe
A trumpet fish, nicely lined up with a sea fan. This was about 30ft. Sealife DC600 w/ strobe.
Cymothoid isopod attached to a blackbar soldier fish - at least this is the techie term - I say "a fish-hat - cool!"
Juvenile spotted drum - 35 ft. SeaLife DC600. About 3.5" long - beautiful little guy!
Sand Diver Lizard fish - you can see the teeth on this little guy. Sealife DC600 at 55 ft. Grand Cayman.
This guy was on the boardwalk by the canal. There are quite a few of these guys but this chap was the Daddy for sure - he is easy 2.1/2ft nose to tail. Shot Cannon S3IS max zoom. Has anyone shot these guys underwater? They are amazing & fast swimmers
Sometimes, you find one that we have not managed to mess-up. Even the common sea fan can be perfect (even if the shot is not)!
I'm a bit turtle mad! I stalked his guy with my buddy in hot pursuit of me! Took a few minutes but he finally posed for the camera-probably to get rid of me. Cayman turtles are great to photo as they are used to divers. S-life Dc600 w/ strbe @ 60ft.
This was a really cool Hawksbill turtle - as big as I have seen. Using a DC600 S-life I snapped 6 photos, and this is the best. I have not retouched it at all as I would probably muck it up! I was within about 2 ft. of this guy (who was easy 2ft long
22 Entries Found