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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Ian Cochrane

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Peoples' Vote

My dive buddy ready to drop to the Stengarth Stoney Cove UK. The camera is a Sea and Sea DC600 with wide angle lens.
By Ian Cochrane
posted Monday, July 21, 2008
14 votes

A grouper on the edge of the Zenobia. Using a wide angle lens to capture not only the fish but the crustations that have built around the ship over the years.
By Ian Cochrane
posted Sunday, July 20, 2008
12 votes

The deco stop, waiting around just before the final few metres. Taken after our excellent dive off the zenobia.
By Ian Cochrane
posted Tuesday, July 22, 2008
11 votes

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3 Entries Found
The deco stop, waiting around just before the final few metres. Taken after our excellent dive off the zenobia.
My dive buddy ready to drop to the Stengarth Stoney Cove UK. The camera is a Sea and Sea DC600 with wide angle lens.
A grouper on the edge of the Zenobia. Using a wide angle lens to capture not only the fish but the crustations that have built around the ship over the years.
3 Entries Found