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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Steve Myler

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Peoples' Vote

Scorpionfish-can you see me??  Larry's Lair, Bonaire
By Steve Myler
posted Sunday, March 23, 2008
20 votes

Bonaire  Dutch Antilles  -   Eagle Ray with a special friend
The tail is very unique being about 5 feet long and the last foot or so is bent about 20 degrees, I thought it was broke until I swam along 3 others and got to know them
By Steve Myler
posted Monday, March 17, 2008
18 votes

This Eagle Ray has a very unique face and it looks like it was smiling at me for this hard to get angle as they are very shy.  Taken in Bonaire.
By Steve Myler
posted Tuesday, March 18, 2008
17 votes

Gorgeous!    Taken with DC 500 w/ wide angle lense
By Steve Myler
posted Tuesday, March 25, 2008
16 votes

This French Angel was giving me the eye on a dark evening in Bonaire.  I thought it was quite beautiful!
By Steve Myler
posted Wednesday, March 19, 2008
14 votes

Comin at ya!
By Steve Myler
posted Wednesday, March 26, 2008
14 votes

Smooth Trunkfish
By Steve Myler
posted Saturday, March 22, 2008
11 votes

I really like the Squirrelfish but mywife says that his eyes are ugly!   I just call him walleye.  Taken in Bonaire.
By Steve Myler
posted Thursday, March 20, 2008
10 votes

Hawksbill Turtle looking for some plants to eat in the Angel City dive site in Bonaire.
By Steve Myler
posted Friday, March 21, 2008
10 votes

Dazzling Peacock Flounder near the Salt City Dive site in Bonaire.
By Steve Myler
posted Monday, March 24, 2008
10 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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13 Entries Found
very friendly sharks on top of a wall
Queen Parrotfish
Comin at ya!
Gorgeous! Taken with DC 500 w/ wide angle lense
Dazzling Peacock Flounder near the Salt City Dive site in Bonaire.
Dazzling Peacock Flounder near the Salt City Dive site in Bonaire.
Scorpionfish-can you see me?? Larry's Lair, Bonaire
Smooth Trunkfish
Hawksbill Turtle looking for some plants to eat in the Angel City dive site in Bonaire.
I really like the Squirrelfish but mywife says that his eyes are ugly! I just call him walleye. Taken in Bonaire.
This French Angel was giving me the eye on a dark evening in Bonaire. I thought it was quite beautiful!
This Eagle Ray has a very unique face and it looks like it was smiling at me for this hard to get angle as they are very shy. Taken in Bonaire.
Bonaire Dutch Antilles - Eagle Ray with a special friend
The tail is very unique being about 5 feet long and the last foot or so is bent about 20 degrees, I thought it was broke until I swam along 3 others and got to know them
13 Entries Found