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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Peri Paleracio

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Peoples' Vote

Play with me/a Zebra eel on one of the divesites in Anilao, Batangas
By Peri Paleracio
posted Thursday, March 31, 2011
24 votes

By Peri Paleracio
posted Wednesday, January 2, 2008
23 votes

This is an undescribed Thecacera nudibranch species. I found it on one of the divesites here in Anilao.
By Peri Paleracio
posted Monday, April 20, 2009
23 votes

Poker face/ this blue ring greet me on one of our night dives in Anilao, Batangas
By Peri Paleracio
posted Friday, July 9, 2010
21 votes

C. Kunei/a Chromodoris kunei laying eggs in the shallow part of Basura divesite.  Anilao, Mabini Batangas, Philippines
By Peri Paleracio
posted Thursday, April 7, 2011
20 votes

Lady in Red
By Peri Paleracio
posted Sunday, April 6, 2008
15 votes

Blue ribbon eel on one of the divesites in Anilao, Batangas
By Peri Paleracio
posted Tuesday, March 22, 2011
15 votes

Waiting for customers/  A sea gypsy is waiting for guests to appear on the lower part of the resort so they can sell them pearls.
By Peri Paleracio
posted Tuesday, June 22, 2010
13 votes

Hang on!/A wire coral shrimp
By Peri Paleracio
posted Friday, April 8, 2011
13 votes

Bohol discodoris/Discodoris boholiensis on one of the divesites in Anilao, Batangas.
By Peri Paleracio
posted Friday, April 15, 2011
12 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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16 Entries Found
Edward/An ornate ghostpipefish shot in one of the muck divesites in Anilao, Batangas.
Bohol discodoris/Discodoris boholiensis on one of the divesites in Anilao, Batangas.
Hang on!/A wire coral shrimp
C. Kunei/a Chromodoris kunei laying eggs in the shallow part of Basura divesite. Anilao, Mabini Batangas, Philippines
Play with me/a Zebra eel on one of the divesites in Anilao, Batangas
Blue ribbon eel on one of the divesites in Anilao, Batangas
Breath hold/ Got this shot of a sea snake after it got some air and going back to the deep part of the reef.
Bubba/ This guy is one of the sea urchin shrimps that you can find in Anilao.
Poker face/ this blue ring greet me on one of our night dives in Anilao, Batangas
Waiting for customers/ A sea gypsy is waiting for guests to appear on the lower part of the resort so they can sell them pearls.
This is an undescribed Thecacera nudibranch species. I found it on one of the divesites here in Anilao.
Lady in Red
Going home/ Anilao, Batangas, Philippines
Its a date/ Anilao, Batangas
dusk fishing in Anilao, Batangas.
16 Entries Found