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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Benjamin Choong

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Peoples' Vote

Angry whip coral Goby guarding her eggs
Canon Powershot S100, 2 x Inon Z240, Stacked Subsee +10 & Inon UCL165
ISO80, f/8, 1/640, Uncropped
By Benjamin Choong
posted Tuesday, January 28, 2014
27 votes

Blenny from Batu Bolong, Komodo
By Benjamin Choong
posted Wednesday, January 29, 2014
20 votes

Found this critter during a drift dive, imagine trying to snap a pic of the fella while maintaining body position and not getting bubbles in the picture. Oh yeah, this fella was moving around a lot. Shot with Canon S90 with  no strobe :)
By Benjamin Choong
posted Monday, September 19, 2011
19 votes

By Benjamin Choong
posted Wednesday, May 15, 2013
19 votes

Candy Crab on Fire!!!! (Hoplophrys oatesii)

Compact Canon Powershot S100, Ikelite housing
2 x Inon Z240, Subsee +10 & Inon UCL165 Macro lens
ISO80, f/8, 1/1000
By Benjamin Choong
posted Tuesday, January 21, 2014
18 votes

This shot was taken with angles and corners in mind, including the diver in the picture. Taken with Canon S90.
By Benjamin Choong
posted Saturday, September 17, 2011
17 votes

Silhouette of a lionfish gliding at the center of the sunburst. Shot taken with Canon Powershot S90 with a fish eye lens & no strobes....
By Benjamin Choong
posted Friday, October 7, 2011
17 votes

My favorite UW subject, the common pipefish. Hard to take pics of this fella, its constantly swaying left or right or shaking the head. Getting in focus was a challenge!
Canon Powershot S100, Subsee +10 & Inon M67 lens
2 x Inon Z240
ISO80, f/8,...
By Benjamin Choong
posted Tuesday, July 30, 2013
17 votes

By Benjamin Choong
posted Thursday, January 16, 2014
15 votes

Pygmy Seahorse -Hippocampos Bargibanti

Canon Powershot S100, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-01
Inon UCL165 macro lens + Subsee +10
By Benjamin Choong
posted Saturday, May 18, 2013
11 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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11 Entries Found
Blenny from Batu Bolong, Komodo
Angry whip coral Goby guarding her eggs
Canon Powershot S100, 2 x Inon Z240, Stacked Subsee +10 & Inon UCL165
ISO80, f/8, 1/640, Uncropped
Candy Crab on Fire!!!! (Hoplophrys oatesii)
Compact Canon Powershot S100, Ikelite housing
2 x Inon Z240, Subsee +10 & Inon UCL165 Macro lens
ISO80, f/8, 1/1000
"Sheep grazing on the meadows"....baeek baeek
Costasiella kuroshimae, taken in Bali
Compact Canon Powershot S100 with Ikelite housing
2 x Ion Z240, 2 x Subsee +10
ISO80, 1/500, f/8
My favorite UW subject, the common pipefish. Hard to take pics of this fella, its constantly swaying left or right or shaking the head. Getting in focus was a challenge!
Canon Powershot S100, Subsee +10 & Inon M67 lens
2 x Inon Z240
ISO80, f/8,...
Pygmy Seahorse -Hippocampos Bargibanti
Canon Powershot S100, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-01
Inon UCL165 macro lens + Subsee +10
Hypselodoris bullocki
Canon Powershot S100, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-01, no diopter
ISO 80, f/8, 1/640
Classic "Huh?" what's going on expression?
Canon Powershot S100 + 2 x Sea&Sea YS-01
Subsee+10 & Inon UCL165
ISO 125, f/8, 1/640
Silhouette of a lionfish gliding at the center of the sunburst. Shot taken with Canon Powershot S90 with a fish eye lens & no strobes....
Found this critter during a drift dive, imagine trying to snap a pic of the fella while maintaining body position and not getting bubbles in the picture. Oh yeah, this fella was moving around a lot. Shot with Canon S90 with no strobe smile
This shot was taken with angles and corners in mind, including the diver in the picture. Taken with Canon S90.
11 Entries Found