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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Debbie Allen

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Peoples' Vote

By Debbie Allen
posted Friday, February 16, 2007
5 votes

This grouper was swimming along the bottom in Cozumel.
By Debbie Allen
posted Wednesday, October 3, 2007
4 votes

Toad fish in Cozumel using a Kodak DX7590
By Debbie Allen
posted Wednesday, September 13, 2006
3 votes

By Debbie Allen
posted Sunday, February 18, 2007
2 votes

 Diving in cozumel at palacar gardens about 60 ft. This queen angelfish darting in between the coral reef. Using A kodak dx-7590 digital still camera with A iketlite underwater housing with flash diffuser.
By Debbie Allen
posted Saturday, September 9, 2006
1 votes

Diving before dark and was surprised to see the squid family. DX 7590 camera with Ikelite underwater housing.
By Debbie Allen
posted Monday, September 18, 2006
1 votes

By Debbie Allen
posted Thursday, April 12, 2007
1 votes

I love sea turtles. This dive off the Santa Rosa Wall in Cozumel, Mexico, we saw 4 within an hour. So tranquil and peaceful swimming with the creature.
By Debbie Allen
posted Tuesday, September 12, 2006
0 votes

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8 Entries Found
This grouper was swimming along the bottom in Cozumel.
"the attached of the giant file fish". This shot by accident, then the illusion appeared in cozumel 2007. Using dx7590 kodak with housing.
"don't talk about my nose!"
taken this past jan.07 in cozumel, mexico. I circled back when I saw him, thinking he was king arrow crab.
"First Kiss"
Jan.07, Cozumel, friends let me know, turtle ahead. Lining up for shot, he was going to come straight to me when he went around the coral head. I proceed to other side when, hello, another turtle. They allowed me to take several shots
Diving before dark and was surprised to see the squid family. DX 7590 camera with Ikelite underwater housing.
Toad fish in Cozumel using a Kodak DX7590
I love sea turtles. This dive off the Santa Rosa Wall in Cozumel, Mexico, we saw 4 within an hour. So tranquil and peaceful swimming with the creature.
Diving in cozumel at palacar gardens about 60 ft. This queen angelfish darting in between the coral reef. Using A kodak dx-7590 digital still camera with A iketlite underwater housing with flash diffuser.
8 Entries Found