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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Laszlo Ilyes

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Peoples' Vote

No Thanks! I Had Soft Coral for Lunch - Two flamingo tongue snails shamelessly devour a nice purple gorgonian. Bonaire, 105mm macro
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Thursday, February 16, 2006
9 votes

Party Balloon - Happy looking balloonfish on Calabas Reef, Bonaire. 35-80mm, Ikelite SLR
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Friday, July 7, 2006
6 votes

A Proud Octopus - A bright-eyed Octopus vulgaris seems to almost preen for the camera, just before sunset on
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Wednesday, February 15, 2006
5 votes

Coris gaimard in Maui - Kodachrome64
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Wednesday, June 14, 2006
4 votes

Pillar Coral - An extreme B&W close-up of pillar coral. 105mm
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Saturday, June 17, 2006
4 votes

Caribbean Reef Octopus - Shot at night with a 35-80mm Canon Zoom Lens through a dome port on Fuji Velvia 50 slide film. I used a Canon Rebel II in an Ikelite SLR housing. The light was provided by an Ikelite Substrobe Ai on Full/TTL.
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Tuesday, January 3, 2006
3 votes

French Connection - Armed with a 105mm macro lens and 50 ISO film, I made the best of the situation when this French Angelfish decided to join me on my dive.
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Monday, March 20, 2006
3 votes

Coral Frame - This shy queen angelfish insisted on using the light-colored coral of
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Tuesday, March 21, 2006
3 votes

Sharknose goby (Gobiosoma genie) on boulder brain coral (Colpophyllia natans)
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Wednesday, February 28, 2007
3 votes

Beauty's in the Eye... Profile of a scorpionfish. 105mm macro, Fuji Velvia, Playa Forti, Curacao
By Laszlo Ilyes
posted Saturday, February 11, 2006
2 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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23 Entries Found
Sharknose goby (Gobiosoma genie) on boulder brain coral (Colpophyllia natans)
Party Balloon - Happy looking balloonfish on Calabas Reef, Bonaire. 35-80mm, Ikelite SLR
Pillar Coral - An extreme B&W close-up of pillar coral. 105mm
Coris gaimard in Maui - Kodachrome64
Bluestriped Grunt - SLR, Ikelite Substrobe Ai on TTL
Tube Dwelling Anemone - SLR, TTL Strobe
Twinkle, Twinkle... - A blunt-spined brittle star makes tracks across an orange elephant-ear sponge.
French Connection, Take 2 - 105mm macro lens + friendly Angelfish = fun
Coral Frame - This shy queen angelfish insisted on using the light-colored coral of "Alice-in-Wonderland" Reef, Bonaire as a picture frame. I obliged.
French Connection - Armed with a 105mm macro lens and 50 ISO film, I made the best of the situation when this French Angelfish decided to join me on my dive.
Rock Beauty - Bonaire, N.A. 35mm angle
Flamingo Tongue Snail in Profile - Interesting angle and color (compare to my last snail entry). 105mm macro with my (ancient) Canon RebII.
Time Flies... Have you ever had 5-10 minutes to kill at say... 15 feet? I thought so. Next time, take a cute cinematographer along and it won't seem so long. Say cheese, Vicki. Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
No Thanks! I Had Soft Coral for Lunch - Two flamingo tongue snails shamelessly devour a nice purple gorgonian. Bonaire, 105mm macro
A Proud Octopus - A bright-eyed Octopus vulgaris seems to almost preen for the camera, just before sunset on "Harry's Hole" Reef, Curacao.
Worth a Chuckle - We've all taken advantage of those sleepy parrotfish on our night dives, but this one has some character... do you think he's going to let us in on the joke?
On Edge - Peacock Flounder on Calabas Reef, Bonaire using a 50mm lens. The composition was inspired by some of the pictures taken by my idol, Norbert Wu.
Beauty's in the Eye... Profile of a scorpionfish. 105mm macro, Fuji Velvia, Playa Forti, Curacao
Goldentail Moray - Bonaire, on Fuji Velvia 50
Out for a Stroll - Stareye Hermit Crab seen on night dive on Calabas Reef, Bonaire
Easy Pickin's- A well camouflaged seahorse sways with the surge amidst a cloud of damselfish fry. As the parent guarding the nest launched brave attacks against my macro lens, it completely ignored the real threat. Sunset Waters Beach Resort, Curacao
"Pretty in Pink" - Pretty diver in pink wetsuit models in Bonaire. 35mm lens, Ikelite SS-Ai
Caribbean Reef Octopus - Shot at night with a 35-80mm Canon Zoom Lens through a dome port on Fuji Velvia 50 slide film. I used a Canon Rebel II in an Ikelite SLR housing. The light was provided by an Ikelite Substrobe Ai on Full/TTL.
23 Entries Found