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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Ron Shavreen

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Peoples' Vote

Having been bitten by one of these whilst snorkling I thought I'd get my own back by forcing one to be a model! Found this one in a gap in the coral and kept it there by repeatedly flashing my strobe at it!
By Ron Shavreen
posted Sunday, January 7, 2007
6 votes


Damn that digital shutter lag!!
By Ron Shavreen
posted Sunday, January 14, 2007
6 votes

This picture of some Trevally wasn't as good as I hoped but I liked the composition. A bit of reframing and the application of a PSP7 filter brought it to this, which I think is an improvement.
By Ron Shavreen
posted Monday, January 8, 2007
5 votes

Some kind of grouper, I think. Taken on an Olympus C 770 in an Olympus housing with a Sunpak strobe. The 'levels' were adjusted in Photoshop so the red glows a bit. 
Taken at 25 metres on the wreck just off the house reef in Bandos.
By Ron Shavreen
posted Thursday, January 11, 2007
4 votes

Parrotfish on the house reef at Bandos. Using a housed Olympus 770 in an Olympus housing and a Sunpak u/w strobe.
By Ron Shavreen
posted Monday, January 15, 2007
3 votes

Box fish photographed in Bonaire August 2005. Olympus 770 in Olympus housing with Sunpack G Flash.
Depth was around 12 metres (40 ft). Good visibility and no currents mean that it's easy to be patient.
By Ron Shavreen
posted Saturday, March 11, 2006
2 votes

Mobbed Shark pursued by a Trevally! I was told a grey shark, my book suggests a black-tip, it only takes a single, non-fatal, bite apparently!
By Ron Shavreen
posted Tuesday, January 16, 2007
2 votes

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7 Entries Found
Mobbed Shark pursued by a Trevally! I was told a grey shark, my book suggests a black-tip, it only takes a single, non-fatal, bite apparently!
Parrotfish on the house reef at Bandos. Using a housed Olympus 770 in an Olympus housing and a Sunpak u/w strobe.
Damn that digital shutter lag!!
Some kind of grouper, I think. Taken on an Olympus C 770 in an Olympus housing with a Sunpak strobe. The 'levels' were adjusted in Photoshop so the red glows a bit.
Taken at 25 metres on the wreck just off the house reef in Bandos.
This picture of some Trevally wasn't as good as I hoped but I liked the composition. A bit of reframing and the application of a PSP7 filter brought it to this, which I think is an improvement.
Having been bitten by one of these whilst snorkling I thought I'd get my own back by forcing one to be a model! Found this one in a gap in the coral and kept it there by repeatedly flashing my strobe at it!
Box fish photographed in Bonaire August 2005. Olympus 770 in Olympus housing with Sunpack G Flash.
Depth was around 12 metres (40 ft). Good visibility and no currents mean that it's easy to be patient.
7 Entries Found