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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Daniel Strub (22)

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Peoples' Vote

what's up?
By Daniel Strub
posted Sunday, October 5, 2008
38 votes

A jellyfish can be so beautifull :-)
By Daniel Strub
posted Thursday, November 27, 2008
37 votes

By Daniel Strub
posted Monday, August 4, 2008
36 votes

Whale shark ... dedicated specially for my friend Mitch :-D
By Daniel Strub
posted Tuesday, February 9, 2010
36 votes

Cardinal fish hatching :-D
By Daniel Strub
posted Saturday, May 14, 2011
36 votes

Adult pike :-D
By Daniel Strub
posted Wednesday, August 18, 2010
34 votes

Mouth-hatching jawfish :-D
By Daniel Strub
posted Monday, June 17, 2013
33 votes

Close up at Lac de la Brèche - Valais
By Daniel Strub
posted Friday, August 8, 2008
32 votes

facing a nice little pearch (f5.6 - 1/100)
By Daniel Strub
posted Tuesday, September 16, 2008
32 votes

Wip Coral Gobbie
By Daniel Strub
posted Thursday, October 23, 2008
32 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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615 Entries Found: Page 22  of  23
Funny couple ...
Need some teeth cleaning?
Caught in the ice - have a close look at the air bubbles in the ice and the reflection of the sunlight in it :-)
My Pal & Buddy Sven during an ice dive. We were diving with Mr. Freshwaterunderwaterphotographer, Michel. Great fun for a great dive. It's said that Svens reg, which was actually Mitchs, froze and went on free flow... for further details ask Sven :-)
Gammarus pulex, is a fresh water amphipod. The eyes are quite funny :-))
I just love these simbiotic porcelain crabs (neopetrolishtes oshimai)

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
a very delicate study
Close look at a wels catfish (silurus glanis)! The most impressive fish of our cold waters :-))
Commun seahorse (hippocampus taeniopterus); as often these shy creatures turn of their head from the lens!! they're funny though; i love them :-)
A huge Wels Catfish in the Aare River
Close up of a crocodile snake eel on the mythic "Pura Vida House Reef" in Dauin
Encounter of the third type! Difficult conditions under the ice, not enough light to focus, at automatic the shot came at 0.4 sec at f4.0. Though the picture is blurred, i like the ambiance created by the light and the ice. thats great FUN!
Funny face :-)
Flabellina! The nudi was laying eggs in the seegrass.
Ice diving in Tignes, France, vol. II - great dive, great fun :-)
European Bullhead, cottus gobio
Ice Diving in Tignes, France
Rendez-vous with THE Pike :-)
Close look at a bream - the same as last dive - covered with blood suckers :-(
Pre-Christmas dive; encounter with this "fat" bream (abramis brama) covered with fish leech (piscicola geometra)
Early morning dive :-) in freezing waters... a pike joined !
This curious little pearch observes its own reflection on the domeport, at least, that's what i think when i see the look in her eyes...
face to face with a huge pikefish in a small pond :-)
Coral reef in Balicasag
My new home :-)
Classic, nice colors.
Serranus cabrilla (Comber) in l'Estartit
Lovely smile of a giant anglerfish
615 Entries Found: Page 22  of  23