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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Mordechai Saxon (2)

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Peoples' Vote

Stingray shot at Stingray City (naturally). Nikonos V with Fugi 100 ISO speed film.  Converted to B & W in photoshop.
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Monday, September 8, 2008
32 votes

Red Coral, but my daughter calls this one
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Monday, September 1, 2008
27 votes

Was enjoying taking pictures inside this wreck when suddenly got the urge to check my pressure gauge and found that I was real low.  So warning fellow divers, when inside a wreck, check often!  Meanwhile hope you enjoy the heart shaped porthole.
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Wednesday, September 3, 2008
26 votes

Paradise Reef, Cozumel, Mexico.  Nokonos V with strobe. This was from first roll of film using Nikonos V with strobe.  Non edited!
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Wednesday, March 19, 2008
24 votes

For some reason, this macro coral shot reminded me of a old impressionist painting. Taken with Nikonos V 35mm lens with extension tubes
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008
24 votes

David Tucker wreck.  Went on a quickie weekend cruise with parents.  We were in Nassau for a few hours.  Went with Stuart Cove's scuba on two-tank dive. Only managed to get a few shots.  This is one of them.  Used Nikonos V, 15mm, with two SB-105's.
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Tuesday, October 7, 2008
24 votes

Dolphin Reef, Eilat, Israel.  Nikkonos V, no flash.
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Sunday, October 12, 2008
24 votes

Sunset on the West side of Grand Cayman, about a mile south of Georgetown.
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008
23 votes

Devil's Grotto in Grand Cayman
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Friday, July 18, 2008
22 votes

Stingray City.
By Mordechai Saxon
posted Sunday, July 20, 2008
21 votes
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41 Entries Found: Page 2  of  2
BLOW BUBBLES. Nikonos V. This is first attempt scanning negatives for higher quality image rather than using the scan that comes with the prints. Hopefully the colors will look better. Let me know what you think.
Sea Fan, Georgetown, Grand Cayman
15mm lens with Nikonos V, no strobe. The wreck off the shore of Sunset House in Grand Cayman.
Just scanned negative for much clearer shot than from low res CD from store. Shot at wreck off reef by Sunset House
Was looking to photograph the reef when the fish came into view to add a nice element in the composition
Stingray City.
Taken at Stingray City. I was photographing the rays, one of the snorkelers from the boat asked me to take his picture. Next thing I knew he was on top of me. Used 15 mm lens on Nikonos V with SB 105 flash. Now just have to email him the picture.
Devil's Grotto in Grand Cayman
Protected Reef, Eilat, Israel.
Eden Rock, Grand Cayman.
Nechamie, Snorkel, Snorkeling
I call this one FACE.
Paradise Reef, Cozumel, Mexico. Nokonos V with strobe. This was from first roll of film using Nikonos V with strobe. Non edited!
41 Entries Found: Page 2  of  2