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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Stingray City

Underwater Photo Location: Stingray City

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it

  • Seaview reef [61 minutes, max. depth 56’]: We
    headed South from Seaview towards Sunset House and rode the slight current
    back, ending right at the ladder at Seaview. Highlights: Spotted Scorpionfish,
    Pygmy Filefish , Peacock Flounder.

  • Hepp’s Pipeline [52 minutes, max. depth 65’]: Looking back at the
    18 dives we did that week, this one was one of our favorites. Right away we
    saw a 5 foot green Moray tucking himself into an overhang. We crossed over a
    sandy plain, down over a mini-wall to a huge coral "mound". The
    coral here seemed very healthy compared to other areas we saw. The site is not
    dived very often because conditions are rarely favorable for the dive. In
    other words, we were very lucky! During the dive we saw the first and second
    Turtles of the trip. I snuck up on the second one while he was sharing a snack
    with a grey angelfish…very cool!

  • Stringray City [44 minutes, max. depth 13’]: Often called the
    greatest 10 foot dive in the world. That I think goes to Moses Reef, Eilat,
    Israel. Still good though! Dived with Don Foster’s since TI didn’t have
    enough divers to go out. The one tank trip was not included in our dives for
    the week, so it cost us $55 US each. We rode a van out to the North side,
    and then boarded Foster's very large catamaran style boat that wasn't
    specifically outfitted for diving (no tank holders). A short boat ride to
    the shallow, sandy site and soon we were surrounded by many friendly
    stingray. Everyone should do it at least once, I guess. Don Foster's staff
    was very friendly, but the time we spent with them was really too short to
    form any kind of opinion. It's certainly a much larger operation than
    Treasure Island.

Water Temperature on all dives was 83 degrees F. On all dives the coral
was fairly healthy with a wide variety of fish life inhabiting it.

Facts about Stingray City
  • It is in Cayman islands
  • Stingray City is in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Mordechai Saxon
Stingray City.

by Mordechai Saxon
Stingray shot at Stingray City (naturally). Nikonos V with Fugi 100 ISO speed film. Converted to B & W in photoshop.

by Courtney Platt
Sunset at Stingray Sandbar in Grand Cayman usually offers a rare opportunity to have the rays all to yourself for an intimate interaction and a beautiful moment with these sweet puppies. I'll never tire of hanging out with my "Buds". Nikon D2X.

by Jim Moser
The divemasters call this moray eel, PSYCHO. My dive buddy got a great video.

by David Gilchrist
Crocodile Needlefish cruising below the surface. At StingRay City, Grand Cayman

by Albert Kok
Diver meets Stingray at Stingray City.

by Nadya Kulagina
The Captain...

by Pietro Cremone
Stingrays at Sandbar, Grand Cayman

by Nadya Kulagina
Dawn at the Stingray City... Solitude...

by Pietro Cremone
Southern Stingrays at Sandbar

by Pietro Cremone
Ray of light

by Pietro Cremone

by Pietro Cremone
Southern stingray

by Pietro Cremone

by Graham Ryland
had no dive gear for this one, but as 'Singray City' is only in 4 foot of water had a friend stand on my back to hold me underwater and still whilst I held my breath for the pic

by Rod Dillon
A green moray eel admires his own image in the photographer's dome port. Sony NEX-7 in Nauticam Housing with 16mm lens w fisheye adapter in 6" dome port with single INON 250 strobe on UL extended arm in 16' of water. F7.1 ISO 100 Shutter at 160th.

by Nina Baxa
Grizzled. Southern Stingray - Grand Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
"Magic Tricks" A simply amazing encounter with a Seahorse while out on the Sandbar! More hours = more amazing experiences>

by Patricia Sinclair
I took this at the Stingray City Deep dive site in a group of 15 people. I was lucky in that there was enough current to blow away the worst of the silt they kicked up.

by Patricia Sinclair
"Turn on a Dime and give a nickel change" - One of my favorite places to go and watch the marine life is Stingray City, I also wanted to work with Natural light shooting, this is the result of my learning session.

by Patricia Sinclair
The Stingray Whisperer This was taken in Grand Cayman at StingRay City in July on my dive with Nina Baxa!

by Leena Roy
Hug a stingray

by Susannah H. Snowden-Smith
"Not A Swimming Pool" Sandbar stingray glides under rippling sunlit water.

by Chase Darnell
"Follow the Leader" A School of Blue Tang flying in formation.

by Adeline Wee
Glowing radiantly

by Patricia Sinclair

by Chase Darnell
"Sandy and the Jacks" Large Southern Stingray along the sandy bottom of Stingray City dive site accompanied by some fish back up.

by Henley Spiers
Stingray Magic

by Chase Darnell
"Sunny Ray" The clarity and lighting out at the Sandbar is always killer.

by Chase Darnell
"High Low' The always graceful movements of Southern Stingrays are awesome to watch, experience, and photograph.

by Henley Spiers
Stingray Crash

by Chase Darnell
"Two Way Street" Southern Stingrays glide across the sandy bottom of the Sandbar.

by Michal Štros
Southern stingray
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