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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Roger Munns

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Peoples' Vote

I took this because I enjoyed the 'king of the castle ' kind of feel !
By Roger Munns
posted Wednesday, November 3, 2004
8 votes

Pigmy Seahorse , Borneo . Anyone who has tried to photograph this subject knows how shy the pigmy can be . I tried to capture this character in my shot.
By Roger Munns
posted Monday, November 15, 2004
8 votes

By Roger Munns
posted Tuesday, November 16, 2004
5 votes

'The Poacher'
By Roger Munns
posted Sunday, November 21, 2004
5 votes

' Out Fishing ' - Nikon F90x, 105mm , Nexus Housing
By Roger Munns
posted Tuesday, November 23, 2004
4 votes

Clownfish , Sangalaki Indonesia
By Roger Munns
posted Monday, December 27, 2004
3 votes

Leopard Blenny , Mabul , Malaysia . The white spots lend this subject very well to shallow depth of field.
By Roger Munns
posted Thursday, November 18, 2004
2 votes

Juv Moray Eel shot on paradise 3, Mabul . the beatiful colors of this juvenile are only kept for a few weeks .
By Roger Munns
posted Friday, November 19, 2004
2 votes

Black Cheek Moray , Baa Atoll , Maldives . Normally the Morays reputation for aggression is unfounded but in this species case it rings true . They are fairly diminuitive though - I think its the old small , angry man thing going on.
By Roger Munns
posted Wednesday, November 24, 2004
2 votes

Eagle Ray , Fish Head thila , Ari Atoll
By Roger Munns
posted Tuesday, December 28, 2004
2 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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16 Entries Found
The World is pink .....
Periclemines shrimp on sea star , Malaysia
Eagle Ray , Fish Head thila , Ari Atoll
Clownfish , Sangalaki Indonesia
Goby on soft coral
The World is Orange
gold spec Jawfish brooding eggs in mouth
Lost in a maze
Black Cheek Moray , Baa Atoll , Maldives . Normally the Morays reputation for aggression is unfounded but in this species case it rings true . They are fairly diminuitive though - I think its the old small , angry man thing going on.
' Out Fishing ' - Nikon F90x, 105mm , Nexus Housing
'The Poacher'
Juv Moray Eel shot on paradise 3, Mabul . the beatiful colors of this juvenile are only kept for a few weeks .
Leopard Blenny , Mabul , Malaysia . The white spots lend this subject very well to shallow depth of field.
"Cheek to Cheek" - Mating Mandarins
Pigmy Seahorse , Borneo . Anyone who has tried to photograph this subject knows how shy the pigmy can be . I tried to capture this character in my shot.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
It's a 'Barbie' seahorse!
I took this because I enjoyed the 'king of the castle ' kind of feel !
16 Entries Found