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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Stefano Colombo

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Peoples' Vote

I was almost at the end of my dive when I spotted this little blenny in his hole . I slowly reached him and started taking pictures . When I saw it was confident enough to approach him more closely I noticed the parasites he was carrying
By Stefano Colombo
posted Wednesday, August 23, 2017
23 votes

Janolus Cristatus, this kind of nudibranch is not so common in the tyrrhenian sea
By Stefano Colombo
posted Sunday, January 28, 2018
21 votes

A sea turtle resting on a coral apparently waiting for people from the boat just above
By Stefano Colombo
posted Sunday, January 28, 2018
13 votes

Blenny hiding himself in a tube
By Stefano Colombo
posted Wednesday, October 25, 2017
12 votes

The group of fish in motion
By Stefano Colombo
posted Wednesday, August 23, 2017
10 votes

The macro close up of a sea star tentacle showing how wonderful and complex is each tentacle
By Stefano Colombo
posted Sunday, January 28, 2018
10 votes

By Stefano Colombo
posted Wednesday, October 25, 2017
8 votes

Two Mandarin fishes mating
By Stefano Colombo
posted Saturday, January 7, 2017
6 votes

Redfish picture taken with panning technique
By Stefano Colombo
posted Wednesday, October 25, 2017
5 votes

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9 Entries Found
A sea turtle resting on a coral apparently waiting for people from the boat just above
The macro close up of a sea star tentacle showing how wonderful and complex is each tentacle
Janolus Cristatus, this kind of nudibranch is not so common in the tyrrhenian sea
Redfish picture taken with panning technique
Blenny hiding himself in a tube
The group of fish in motion
I was almost at the end of my dive when I spotted this little blenny in his hole . I slowly reached him and started taking pictures . When I saw it was confident enough to approach him more closely I noticed the parasites he was carrying
Two Mandarin fishes mating
9 Entries Found