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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Marina Kudrya

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Our underwater photography contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it.
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Peoples' Vote

Demon stinger (Inimicus didactylus) is also known as Goblinfish, Spiny devilfish and Bearded ghoul and belongs to Synanceiidae family. It is mostly found lying on a sea floor, but sometimes it moves using its side
By Marina Kudrya
posted Tuesday, April 4, 2017
13 votes

A small porcupine fish is hiding in a tin can. In the waters of Lembeh strait nothing is wasted!
Shot with Nikon D610, Nikkor 60mm f/2,8 and two Sea and Sea YS-d2 strobes
By Marina Kudrya
posted Sunday, April 2, 2017
9 votes

A green lettuce slug on a pine cone algae. Shut in Utila in 2015 with Nikon D610 and two external Sea&Sea strobes.
By Marina Kudrya
posted Sunday, May 24, 2015
6 votes

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3 Entries Found
Demon stinger (Inimicus didactylus) is also known as Goblinfish, Spiny devilfish and Bearded ghoul and belongs to Synanceiidae family. It is mostly found lying on a sea floor, but sometimes it moves using its side "fingers" to crawl.
A small porcupine fish is hiding in a tin can. In the waters of Lembeh strait nothing is wasted!
Shot with Nikon D610, Nikkor 60mm f/2,8 and two Sea and Sea YS-d2 strobes
A green lettuce slug on a pine cone algae. Shut in Utila in 2015 with Nikon D610 and two external Sea&Sea strobes.
3 Entries Found