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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Pam Murph

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Peoples' Vote

My First Manta. /  Each time I go into the ocean, I look forward with great anticipation to new encounters. While in Palau, Micronesia, I had such a first with a manta. Ascending to the surface at German Channel, a well known Manta cleaning station,
By Pam Murph
posted Tuesday, December 24, 2013
26 votes

Swim Through  /  Summertime brings silversides in abundance to the Cayman Islands and swimming through them is a spectacular experience.
By Pam Murph
posted Monday, December 30, 2013
24 votes

Rays at Dawn. /   A dawn snorkel at Sting Ray Sandbar is one of my favorites. The light is spectacular and adds to the ability to get great black and whites.
By Pam Murph
posted Tuesday, December 24, 2013
23 votes

Ocean Song  /  This juvenile coney presented me with this
By Pam Murph
posted Wednesday, December 25, 2013
17 votes

Connect the Dots  /  This blennie really caught my eye as it stood out against the coral...and when I processed the image it reminded me of a connect the dot picture.
By Pam Murph
posted Thursday, December 26, 2013
16 votes

By Pam Murph
posted Sunday, December 29, 2013
15 votes

LIfe Under the Jetty.  Aborek Jetty, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
By Pam Murph
posted Tuesday, October 14, 2014
13 votes

Layers of Babylon   /  To me, this reef scene represents all that is the Cayman Islands...rich in diversity, colors and life.
By Pam Murph
posted Wednesday, December 25, 2013
12 votes

As the Fog Rolls In  /  From this angle, the Kittiwake looks like a fog is just rolling in over her. This is a wreck of many images.
By Pam Murph
posted Thursday, December 26, 2013
11 votes

One of Eighteen.    During one week of diving in Cozumel this summer, I had 18 different encounters with turtles! Hence the title.
By Pam Murph
posted Tuesday, October 14, 2014
10 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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20 Entries Found
The Yawn
Blowing Off Steam
In A Sea of Red. Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Dinner Time...at Nudi Rock
Enjoying the Small Things in Life.... Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
Fire Comes in Small Packages. Ambon, Indonesia.
Reaching. I encountered this cuttlefish while muck diving in Ambon, Indonesia.
One of Eighteen. During one week of diving in Cozumel this summer, I had 18 different encounters with turtles! Hence the title.
LIfe Under the Jetty. Aborek Jetty, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
The Eyes Get Me Every Time
Reflections in the Mangroves. Taken while snorkeling in the mangroves of Raja Ampat.
A Burst of Color / The colors in Cozumel are amazing and just jump out at you.
Swim Through / Summertime brings silversides in abundance to the Cayman Islands and swimming through them is a spectacular experience.
"Scar" / This sting ray is a regular at the sandbar in Grand Cayman and is known for the large scar across its front. I try and shoot this particular ray each time I snorkel here.
As the Fog Rolls In / From this angle, the Kittiwake looks like a fog is just rolling in over her. This is a wreck of many images.
Connect the Dots / This blennie really caught my eye as it stood out against the coral...and when I processed the image it reminded me of a connect the dot picture.
Ocean Song / This juvenile coney presented me with this "song" on my birthday this year. Waiting to catch the right moment is worth some patience.
Layers of Babylon / To me, this reef scene represents all that is the Cayman Islands...rich in diversity, colors and life.
My First Manta. / Each time I go into the ocean, I look forward with great anticipation to new encounters. While in Palau, Micronesia, I had such a first with a manta. Ascending to the surface at German Channel, a well known Manta cleaning station,
Runner Up - worthy of note but not a medal winner - an equal 4th place if you like! Runner Up 2013

Final RoundThrough to 2013 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Perfect color balance, well taken.
Rays at Dawn. / A dawn snorkel at Sting Ray Sandbar is one of my favorites. The light is spectacular and adds to the ability to get great black and whites.
20 Entries Found