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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Troy Williams

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Peoples' Vote

Crinoid wrapped up on whip coral @ Cape Zanpa Misaki, Okinawa, Japan
By Troy Williams
posted Wednesday, March 27, 2013
19 votes

Lionfish cruising a fan...Cape Zanpa, Okinawa
By Troy Williams
posted Wednesday, June 19, 2013
14 votes

seeing stars...soft coral
By Troy Williams
posted Friday, February 7, 2014
14 votes

My buddy checking out 1 of 8 cuttlefish on our way out....or was the cuttlefish checking him out?
By Troy Williams
posted Sunday, July 21, 2013
13 votes

USS Emmons during the descent,
By Troy Williams
posted Friday, August 2, 2013
13 votes

Orangutan Crab @ Cape Maeda Misaki, Okinawa
By Troy Williams
posted Saturday, August 3, 2013
13 votes

Surfer @ Sunabe Seawall, Okinawa, Japan
By Troy Williams
posted Saturday, March 30, 2013
11 votes

juvenile anemone fish swimming about, making me work for a shot
By Troy Williams
posted Wednesday, August 7, 2013
11 votes

Bow of the USS Emmons.
By Troy Williams
posted Monday, August 12, 2013
11 votes

Diver heading for the ascent line on the USS Emmons @ 120ft.
By Troy Williams
posted Monday, August 26, 2013
10 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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14 Entries Found
seeing stars...soft coral
Diver heading for the ascent line on the USS Emmons @ 120ft.
juvenile anemone fish @ cape maeda, okinawa
Bow of the USS Emmons.
juvenile anemone fish swimming about, making me work for a shot
Whip coral goby hanging out while I swap lenses...
Orangutan Crab @ Cape Maeda Misaki, Okinawa
USS Emmons during the descent,
My buddy checking out 1 of 8 cuttlefish on our way out....or was the cuttlefish checking him out?
Lionfish cruising a fan...Cape Zanpa, Okinawa
Surfer @ Sunabe Seawall, Okinawa, Japan
Seawall kitty loves Awase Bay in Okinawa, Japan
Crinoid wrapped up on whip coral @ Cape Zanpa Misaki, Okinawa, Japan
Reef Eater
Crown of thorns making it's way through the reef @ Kadena North, Okinawa, Japan
14 Entries Found