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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Fernando Trindade

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Peoples' Vote

Sunfish (or in portuguese: Peixe-Lua, wich means
By Fernando Trindade
posted Saturday, November 14, 2009
29 votes

A nice
By Fernando Trindade
posted Monday, November 9, 2009
28 votes

This is a kind of crab named
By Fernando Trindade
posted Tuesday, November 10, 2009
22 votes

Hey... we're watching you!
  ( It's Orwell, ...!!! )
By Fernando Trindade
posted Tuesday, December 1, 2009
20 votes

At Lisbon Oceanário, an enourmous oceanic aquarium.
The idea is to show the several levels of swimming, the different areas species occupy when swimming.

Taken with a Sony Alph 350, no flash, no filter.
By Fernando Trindade
posted Wednesday, November 18, 2009
15 votes

A funny Hypselodoris villafranca trying to watch what I was doing!
By Fernando Trindade
posted Monday, June 27, 2011
11 votes

Antennae Dragon fish
By Fernando Trindade
posted Tuesday, December 1, 2009
10 votes

Hypselodoris villafranca going down.
Light form side on purpose, to get colors of portuguese flag. :)
By Fernando Trindade
posted Monday, June 27, 2011
10 votes

Flabellina babai with rinophore's syndactyly
Detail, no crop.
Sesimbra, Portugal

Canon 450D, featuring 44mm automatic extension tubes and a Subsee +10, Ultramax UXDS-1 x 2 set at 2/4 each
Lens: Canon EF 28-80 f/3.5-5.6USM
Focal Dist: 80mm
By Fernando Trindade
posted Friday, September 7, 2012
8 votes

Flabellina babai with rinophores
By Fernando Trindade
posted Saturday, September 8, 2012
7 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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12 Entries Found
All the way down (or is it up?)
With focus, Polycera quadrilineata going down on Codium. The detail of the mantle was the goal. Out of focus, a very very small Elysia viridis, a very special uninvited guest! smile
Flabellina babai with rinophores "syndactyly"
These malformations make each specimen unique smile and rare!
Flabellina babai with rinophore's syndactyly
Detail, no crop.
Sesimbra, Portugal
Canon 450D, featuring 44mm automatic extension tubes and a Subsee +10, Ultramax UXDS-1 x 2 set at 2/4 each
Lens: Canon EF 28-80 f/3.5-5.6USM
Focal Dist: 80mm
Flabellina babai with rinophore's syndactyly
Detail, no crop.
Sesimbra, Portugal
Canon 450D, featuring 44mm automatic extension tubes and a Subsee +10, Ultramax UXDS-1 x 2 set at 2/4 each
Lens: Canon EF 28-80 f/3.5-5.6USM
Focal Dist: 67mm
Hypselodoris villafranca going down.
Light form side on purpose, to get colors of portuguese flag. smile
A funny Hypselodoris villafranca trying to watch what I was doing!
Hey... we're watching you!
( It's Orwell, ...!!! )
Antennae Dragon fish
At Lisbon Oceanário, an enourmous oceanic aquarium.
The idea is to show the several levels of swimming, the different areas species occupy when swimming.
Taken with a Sony Alph 350, no flash, no filter.
Sunfish (or in portuguese: Peixe-Lua, wich means "moonfish")
Mola-mola, as the latin name.
A special shot on a special day
This is a kind of crab named "Navalheira" in portuguese.
Species: Necora Puber
Family: Portunidae
This picture is an example of Depth of Field usage.
Focus is at crab's eyes.
Water Temp: 16º
Depth: 13.3 meters
Spot: Pedra do Leão - Sesimbra
A nice "linguado lunado". That's it's name in portuguese.
It was quite calm and it was possible to approach it slowly and take this shot.
It was over a rock, it had just swimmed up to it a minute ago and I spotted it.
12 Entries Found