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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Jonathan Regan

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Peoples' Vote

I came back to this guy twice to try and get a decent shot. I'm glad I did. I was quite happy with this one.
By Jonathan Regan
posted Wednesday, July 8, 2009
43 votes

Juvenile weedy seadragon coming in for a curious look
By Jonathan Regan
posted Wednesday, July 1, 2009
39 votes

Grey nurse shark in the shark pit at Latitude Reef in Forster, NSW
By Jonathan Regan
posted Wednesday, April 28, 2010
24 votes

Pygmy leatherjacket saying peek-a-boo
By Jonathan Regan
posted Friday, July 3, 2009
22 votes

Juvenile anenomefish hanging out in Aussie coloured sponge. Go the green and gold. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, OI! OI! OI!
By Jonathan Regan
posted Monday, July 6, 2009
22 votes

Japanese Sea Plane wreck in Palau
By Jonathan Regan
posted Tuesday, June 30, 2009
21 votes

Diving down at Montague Island, 9km offshore from Narooma, NSW, Australia, this little fella came in close to check out what was happening on the ocean floor. Taken with Canon 7D in Ikelite housing.
By Jonathan Regan
posted Thursday, April 8, 2010
21 votes

Eastern cleaner clingfish taking a rest after cleaning a leatherjacket
By Jonathan Regan
posted Sunday, July 5, 2009
19 votes

Eel getting up close and personal
By Jonathan Regan
posted Thursday, July 2, 2009
17 votes

I can see you!!
By Jonathan Regan
posted Monday, July 20, 2009
16 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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18 Entries Found
Grey nurse shark in the shark pit at Latitude Reef in Forster, NSW
Short-Tailed Ceratosoma taking it easy on a piece of weed.
Diving down at Montague Island, 9km offshore from Narooma, NSW, Australia, this little fella came in close to check out what was happening on the ocean floor. Taken with Canon 7D in Ikelite housing.
Little crab hiding under an anemone at deco on the Coolidge.
Alfred showing off the wares on the Coolidge
Female blue lined octopus protecting her eggs at Swansea Bridge in NSW
A thorny-back cowfish swimming in the middle of Sydney Harbour. He was lucky not to get hit by a Sydney Ferry.
I can see you!!
I came back to this guy twice to try and get a decent shot. I'm glad I did. I was quite happy with this one.
As I was about to ascend this fella came in right over my head. You can see the turtle in the background too
Juvenile anenomefish hanging out in Aussie coloured sponge. Go the green and gold. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, OI! OI! OI!
Eastern cleaner clingfish taking a rest after cleaning a leatherjacket
Turtle swimming by with the dive guide in the background stuffing around
Pygmy leatherjacket saying peek-a-boo
Eel getting up close and personal
Juvenile weedy seadragon coming in for a curious look
Japanese Sea Plane wreck in Palau
Diver floating by the reef
18 Entries Found