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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Rhi Dobbie

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Peoples' Vote

A crystal ball of Staghorn Coral.
G9, Ikelite Housing, Inon Z240.
Photoshop CS4.
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Monday, February 15, 2010
31 votes

This little critter liked to come out and play on the house reef of Pulau Weh, Indonesia.
Canon G9, Inon z240Strobe.
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Wednesday, September 9, 2009
24 votes

I've darkened the background and cropped.
Canon G9, INON Z240 strobe.
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Saturday, September 12, 2009
23 votes

Canon G9, Inon 240Strobe
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Wednesday, September 9, 2009
21 votes

On the Rope - Taken with a Canon G9 in Ikelite Housing and Inon Z240 Stobe.
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Friday, February 19, 2010
19 votes

Canon G9, Ikelite Housing, Inon z240 (1)Strobe. I stumbled across this pair on our house reef. The smallest cuttle fish I've ever seen 2-3 inches!!!
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Wednesday, March 18, 2009
18 votes

MOO - Cow Fish - You looking at me????
House reef at Gapang Beach, Pulau Weh, Aceh, Indo.
G9, Ikelite Housing & Inon Z240 Strobe.
Moo Moo Moo
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Tuesday, May 19, 2009
18 votes

Honey Comb Moray - Playing with B&W is something different for me, I like the light and he looks quite handsome! Canon G9, Inon z240 strobe.
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Thursday, June 11, 2009
18 votes

A Sea Squirt Kaleidoscope - Captured with a Canon G9 in Ikelite Housing & Inon Z240 strobe.
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Friday, February 19, 2010
15 votes

Echnioderm - Feather Star.
Mirror image using CS4.
Canon G9 and Inon Z240 strobe. I love playing with this effect.
By Rhi Dobbie
posted Monday, May 25, 2009
14 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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11 Entries Found
On the Rope - Taken with a Canon G9 in Ikelite Housing and Inon Z240 Stobe.
A Sea Squirt Kaleidoscope - Captured with a Canon G9 in Ikelite Housing & Inon Z240 strobe.
A crystal ball of Staghorn Coral.
G9, Ikelite Housing, Inon Z240.
Photoshop CS4.
I've darkened the background and cropped.
Canon G9, INON Z240 strobe.
Canon G9, Inon 240Strobe
This little critter liked to come out and play on the house reef of Pulau Weh, Indonesia.
Canon G9, Inon z240Strobe.
"Four Lions" - Canon G9 & 1 Inon z240 Strobe. Mirror imaging and Glow features on Photoshop CS4.
Honey Comb Moray - Playing with B&W is something different for me, I like the light and he looks quite handsome! Canon G9, Inon z240 strobe.
Echnioderm - Feather Star.
Mirror image using CS4.
Canon G9 and Inon Z240 strobe. I love playing with this effect.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Interesting editing Rhi
MOO - Cow Fish - You looking at me????
House reef at Gapang Beach, Pulau Weh, Aceh, Indo.
G9, Ikelite Housing & Inon Z240 Strobe.
Moo Moo Moo
Canon G9, Ikelite Housing, Inon z240 (1)Strobe. I stumbled across this pair on our house reef. The smallest cuttle fish I've ever seen 2-3 inches!!!
11 Entries Found